15 years in prison for Wilkin for murder RCIFM

15 years in prison for Wilkin for murder RCI.FM

Murder at a Sandy Ground bar on the night of May 8-9, 2015. A fight began with a simple collision which then turned into furious violence to the point where the convict was tricked into drawing the gun which he was carrying to fire multiple times at his opponent and kill him with multiple shots.

Shots at close range and in several key parts of the shots. No chance for a victim who would die in front of dozens of people. Sandy Ground, reputedly difficult and sometimes dangerous area of ​​St. Martin, especially at night, and where many have lost their lives.

15 years is less than the 30, the maximum sentence, and the 20 years demanded by the prosecutor, Deputy General Élodie Rouchouse, who never believed the version of the facts Wilkin described. Unlike his lawyer, Master Djimie Vérité, who wanted to plead for acquittal.

The defendant’s defense counsel had assessed that there was no evidence against his client and that, given the circumstances, doubts should prevail. It was neither heard nor followed, as Wilkin received a heavy sentence of 15 years in prison and was served with the final ban from French territory.