5 surprising uses of hydrogen peroxide for effective cleaning

5 surprising uses of hydrogen peroxide for effective cleaning – Info07

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In the event of a cut or superficial tear in the skin, it’s always a good idea to have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide handy. Diluted in water, this solution is neither abrasive nor allergenic. But this homemade formula from the medicine cabinet is more than just an antiseptic.

What use is it at home?

Hydrogen peroxide is normally diluted in water in concentrations of 3, 9, 30, 35 and 50%. It is therefore a specialized home remedy for relieving blemishes and acne. In addition, it eliminates harmful substances and prevents the formation of pimples. However, its use in household cleaning is widespread.

Mold and moisture don’t mix well with hydrogen peroxide. In fact, this solution is very good at eliminating bacteria and even spores that spread fungus in different parts of the house. Here we present 5 possible uses formula not to be neglected for your health.

Why Use Hydrogen Peroxide?

Against mold: Hydrogen peroxide is able to remove moisture from poorly ventilated bathrooms, kitchens and bedrooms. A simple way to achieve this is to apply this solution to the neglected area. To remove condensation, scrub with a brush and rinse with a damp cloth. To read: Are mosquito repellent bracelets effective? What is the most recommended?

Clean fridge: This device needs to be disinfected and sanitized from time to time to avoid bad smells. Prepare a solution of equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water and use it to clean the bottom, door, grilles, shelves and drawers of the refrigerator.

Disinfect pots and pans: It is possible to free pots and pans from germs and food residue that has gotten into the corners. To do this, simply use 1/3 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with a handful of baking soda. So you should get a paste. Spread the formula over these surfaces inside and out, then scrub with a sponge and warm water.

cutting boards: You can opt for the medicine cabinet formula to disinfect wooden cutting boards. Chicken, meat, fish, vegetables, sausage and other perishable goods are cut up here. Simply wash these utensils as usual, then spray them with hydrogen peroxide. Don’t forget to dry them so they are ready to use.

Makes the windows shine: This homemade formula can come in handy for making the glass and windows in your home shine. Especially if they are boring or neglected over time. We spray hydrogen peroxide on these surfaces, then scrub and dry them with newspaper. The polishing effect is almost instantaneous.

What is hydrogen peroxide used for?

We consider hydrogen peroxide to be a disinfecting product that is mainly used on wounds. In fact, it’s available in concentrations of 3, 9, 30, 35, 35, and 50 percent diluted in water. Read foods you should never take to the beach if you don’t want them to spoil

How do you use hydrogen peroxide for cleaning?

Rub some hydrogen peroxide on the stain. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse off. If necessary, place the product in the compartment of the washing machine. Only use on white clothing.