Fruitful exchanges on Cuban sports in the Dominican Republic

Fruitful exchanges on Cuban sports in the Dominican Republic

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Havana, April 29 (RHC) In the Embassy of Cuba in the Dominican Republic, fruitful exchanges took place with the Cuban participants in the XXVII. General Assembly of the Iberoamerican Sports Council (CID).

The Director of International Relations of the National Institute of Sport, Physical Education and Recreation (Indians), Gisleidis Sosa, at the head of the delegation, spoke to the members of her country’s State Mission in the Dominican Republic about this moment of experiencing sport on the island.

He explained the impact that this sector is suffering due to the criminal blockade that the United States has imposed on Cuba, which is preventing the normal development of its activities and the measures imposed are hampering everything from acquiring sports equipment to receiving monetary prizes for their athletes .

Sosa detailed a series of actions currently being carried out to face the challenges that the next Olympic cycle will bring, where, despite the difficulties, they will meet the body, athletes, coaches, doctors and support staff, among others the ground for better results.

The decision taken a few weeks ago to admit athletes to professional leagues, including boxers, and the situation of baseball, a passion of Cubans, were not absent from the lively dialogue.

Along with the Indian Board of Directors was the Rector of the Manuel Fajardo University of Physical Culture and Sport Sciences, Silvano Merced, who shared with those present his experiences in the short time he has been in charge of this university.

The connection between this center and sports institutions and the joint work they carry out to apply science and technology to sport and the results achieved.

He recalled how the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, said in 1992, when analyzing the results of that year’s Olympics, that it was necessary to promote scientific research and apply its results in order to overcome the successes achieved in these games .

At the end of the evening, some of those present expressed concerns and opinions, most logically on baseball, a subject on which every Cuban considers himself a specialist.

Source: JIT.