1678014717 DIRECT War in Ukraine Battle of Bakhmout continues two bridges

DIRECT. War in Ukraine: Battle of Bakhmout continues, two bridges destroyed by Russians


Russian reservists armed with shovels

According to the UK Ministry of Defense, Russian reservists “were ordered to attack a Ukrainian concrete base armed only with ‘guns and shovels'”. The ministry also notes an increase in hand-to-hand fighting in the conflict in Ukraine.


The Turkish foreign minister discusses Ukrainian grain imports with Guterres

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu met UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres this weekend on the sidelines of a summit in Doha. He said Ankara is “working hard” to continue the grain import deal that has allowed Ukraine to export food from its Russian-blocked ports. The Black Sea Grains Initiative was negotiated by the United Nations and Turkey last July, allowing the Export of grain to three Ukrainian ports It was extended in November and will expire on March 18 unless an extension is agreed.


The US is preparing to train Ukrainian pilots

Americans have welcomed Ukrainian pilots to the United States to determine how long it would take to train them to operate F-16 fighter jets, CNN announced on Sunday.

“Two Ukrainian pilots are currently at a military base in the United States to test their flight simulator skills,” American media said. According to a US Air Force official interviewed by the channel, there will be “no updates regarding the F-16s” being sent to Ukraine or any immediate plans to increase the number of Ukrainian pilots in the United States.


72% of the French support the participation of Russian athletes in the 2024 Olympic Games

In an Odoxa poll for Winamax and RTL, published this Sunday and conducted in early March, 72% of French people believed that Russian athletes, who have been banned from the international scene since the invasion of Ukraine, should take part in the 2024 Olympics should be able to participate. Conversely, 27% felt they should be excluded from this competition.

However, only 28% believed Russian athletes should be able to compete under the colors of Russia, while 44% believed they should be able to compete under a neutral banner, as suggested by the International Committee at the end of January for Olympic Games ( IOC).


China’s defense budget is increasing

China will increase its defense spending by 7.2 percent to 1.55 trillion yuan this year, the fastest pace in four years.


Tensions between Poland and Germany over aid to Ukraine

Bickering in Warsaw and Berlin over missiles, tanks and spare parts has reached an all-time high, according to Bloomberg, even as President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged westerners to “hurry” with arms shipments before the war begins – a possible spring offensive. “Polish leaders are now not missing an opportunity to target Berlin, a well-known target,” analyzes the American agency. “The government often considers Germany to be more focused on competing with Poland (…) than on the real needs of Kiev,” a Polish official said on condition of anonymity.


Trump says he can prevent “World War III”.

The former President of the United States, invited tonight before the great crowd of American conservatives, attacked “warmongering” Democrats and “fanatical and imbecile” Republicans. “We’re going to have a third world war if something doesn’t happen soon,” Trump warned after openly disapproving of US aid to Ukraine.

“I’m the only candidate who can make this promise: I will prevent World War III,” said the man who lost to Democrat Joe Biden in 2020.


930 Russian soldiers killed since February 24

According to Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel, 930 Russian soldiers have been killed since February 24, for a total of 153,120 deaths on Moscow’s side. In the last ten days, 5 tanks were also shot down by the Ukrainians.


Elections in Estonia amid war in Ukraine

Estonians are called to the polls this Sunday to elect their MPs. The election is directed against the outgoing far-right pro-Kiev government, which wants to end the reception of Ukrainian refugees.

The polls give the ruling party a head start over the far-right EKRE party.

Should the government emerge victorious, Tallinn would see its pro-European line strengthened. Many Russian speakers in the Baltic country could choose to abstain.


Two bridges in Bakhmout destroyed

Two strategic bridges were destroyed in the besieged city by the Russian army, according to the British Ministry of Defence. One of these would be a vital bridge “connecting the city to the last main supply route”.

Russian troops are advancing in the northern suburbs of the city. Kiev “reinforces the area with elite units”

“In the city” had already been fought.


Bakhmout surrounded, “difficult but under control” situation for the Ukrainian army

“Wagner’s units have practically surrounded Bakhmout, there is only one way left” to get out, Wagner boss Evguéni Prigojine assured on Friday.

“The situation in Bakhmout is difficult but under control,” replies Serhiy Cherevaty, spokesman for the Ukrainian army, who currently calls the city, now largely destroyed and largely emptied of its residents, “the ‘epicenter’ of the conflict” villages north and west of Bakhmout were attacked on Saturday, according to the spokesman, who reported a total of 131 attacks on this front.


4,000 civilians still in Bakhmout

According to Oleksandr Marchenko, deputy mayor of Bakhmout, Russia does not control the almost completely destroyed city. He explains to the BBC that 4,000 civilians are still there, without electricity or water. On Saturday he spoke of fighting on the outskirts of town, but also of “street fighting”.

DIRECT War in Ukraine Battle of Bakhmout continues two bridgesA woman reacts to the sound of grenades as she stands in front of her house in a village near Bakhmout. AFP/Aris Messinis.


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