Jenna Ortega protagonist of Merlina would date an NBA star

Jenna Ortega, protagonist of Merlina, would date an NBA star

Jenna Ortega is one of the most famous actresses in the world todayas she has gained popularity after the success of Netflix produced series Merlina (Wednesday, in English) and all her followers know what she is doing

And recently there was a piece of news that immediately became a trend They captured the American actress on a romantic date with a famous NBA basketball player.

Which player have you seen Jenna Ortega with?

A well-known celebrity portal in the USA published some pictures of it the star of ‘Merlina’ on a date with Phoenix Suns player Devin Bookershared opinions.

And that’s it The 26-year-old escort has already dated several women associated with the showso some of his fans didn’t take well to the fact that Ortega is dating the NBA player.

Is Kendall Jenner Dating Devin Booker?

One of the main issues with Jenna Ortega, who was caught having dinner with Devin Booker in the past few days, is that The Suns basketball player was said to be dating model Kendall Jennerwith which he has been publicly seen since supporting his parties on several occasions.