The Political Cluster

The second metropolis: Help! |

Prime Minister Legault released a new tune to convince us that we could not live without a third link.

Posted at 6:00 am


So imagine he wants the Quebec City region to become Quebec’s second metropolis! Hence the urgency of the tunnel…

We are dreaming. Help !

As a new crazy idea trying to boost us, the rednecks of Quebec, let’s admit we’re sailing in worse than worse.

We’ll make it short: It’s going to be no, not panout!

The prickly people in the prime minister’s cabinet may think that the small world of Quebec can no longer dream of living in one big place and that we will “sniff” them, their little line of communication.

No, but I still get the impression that we’re thought of as clumsy, members of the fine-step spectrum, with a collective IQ at low tide.

One would swear that Mr. Legault derives his advice from a flawed ChatGPT.

If we wanted to, we’d camp tight in Cash City, as Luc De Larochelière sings, we’d know what to do, we’d move.

How many of us have already considered this hypothesis and finally decided to stick with it?

Living in a metropolis is exactly what we don’t want and that’s why we go to daycare in Quebec.

And don’t take it personally, Montrealers.

It’s just that some prefer apple pie and some prefer strawberries. No more complicated than that, no judgement. Everyone has their little luck.

It is frankly becoming hopeless to see the government pile up stuff to sell us this political monstrosity, the third link, when it should be self-evident that the fundamental reasons behind the project were the right ones.

Apostles have even gone so far as to speak of an “ecological” tunnel to extol it. Must be taken heavily cursed!

An elected official from the city of Quebec has even spoken of a “heritage” tunnel! No, don’t be fooled, he said “inheritance”. From the seeds of the Nobel Prize…

After testing multiple pieces of evidence to support the great tube, that of the second metropolis will fail for another good reason: our enormous sin of pride!

We’re not built to be second in Quebec, so second will be fine!

We pride ourselves on being THE state capital of Quebec, THE cradle of America’s Francophonie and the accent of America. Boom!

And if that didn’t annoy Valérie in Montreal, I would even venture to add that Québec is THE Francophonie capital of America! In the sense that it is the most important city of the two continents where we live entirely in French.

The Last of Us, the fashionable series, could also be filmed here, but in French…

In 14 years at the head of the city, I can’t remember anyone telling me that they wanted us to be that, a metropolis.

But on the contrary!

We are happy like kings in our cocoon. Call it village all you want, we don’t care, life is sweet. We take responsibility and we love it!

And don’t repeat it too often, we always fear the rush when it gets out.

I’ve said many times that we’re a “sort of” city. Neither too big nor too small, a unique, safe city, in love with its old street furniture and culture, while valuing and investing in science and innovation.

A still human city where you can hear yourself thinking.

The worst thing is that Mr. Legault seems to introduce us to his new motto as modernity.

However, he should know that our ancient walls hide a very well-kept secret: Few cities in the world have as many laboratories and individuals per capita invested in research of all kinds as Quebec.

That’s modernity, that’s also our cultural environment, our artists, who are incredibly outstanding. They too chose to live in Quebec, often risking their careers there. I admire her!

Modernity is certainly not this gigantic underwater canal project that science has already relegated to being an outdated solution.

Finally we learn that the famous studies would be coming out soon?

I can’t wait to discover the pros who sign them and put their reputations on the line. I would tremble in my panties if I were her. And we assume we don’t need to learn or relearn the meaning of the word hazing.

What a chimera!

A two-tube tunnel? Bipolar for me.

A political solute from the days of the Classels and the Beach Boys who competed for real hits!

excuse her…

Google kids!

Between us

There are times when people’s wisdom brings joy.

The election of the solidarity Guillaume Cliche-Rivard in Saint-Henri Saint-Jacques is beneficial for all of Quebec.

Under any political banner he should have been elected.

An immigration specialist like him will be an asset in the debates on this complex issue that we no longer understand.