I want an international career Eleonore Lagace in the footsteps

“I want an international career”: Éléonore Lagacé in the footsteps of Lady Gaga

During the thrilling final segment of goal ifone of the six tracks on the mini-album They don’t care by Éléonore Lagacé, the melody is carried away, the singer’s voice rises and closes her eyes, we imagine confetti raining down on an insane crowd at the Bell Center or the Videotron Center, in the apotheosis of a great pop concert.

“That’s it,” exclaims the 25-year-old artist when the comment is made to him over the phone. Not once do I compose a song without imagining myself singing it in a stadium.

She has ambition, Éléonore Lagacé, and she doesn’t hesitate to say it loud and clear. His big dream? Follow in the footsteps of his idol, Lady Gaga.

“When I discovered it when I was 11, I said to myself: This is it. That inspires me, that’s what I identify with, that’s what I want to do. I like his costumes, the intensity of these songs. I like that she’s not embarrassed to do whatever she wants. I want to do this too. I want an international career. By laying one stone at a time, I believe that nothing is impossible.”

Lift your ass off the chair

To get there, you had to start. After participating in La Voix in 2014, the daughter of Nathalie Choquette and sister of Florence K never stopped writing songs, but for some reason she doesn’t know herself, going into the studio wasn’t an option.

“I didn’t notice it, but the fruit wasn’t ripe yet,” she says today.

One day, “I finally decided to get my ass off the chair,” and with the help of several collaborators, she spawned six songs in English and French.

sharing urgency

There is varied pop. We go from Radio Elle s’en fout, title track and first excerpt, to the house vibe of “Lady Gagaesque” Sashay Away, through the subdued Billie Eilish-esque pop of Unbearable Crush.


Everything was approved during the creative part, explains the one everyone calls Leo’s nickname.

“I love all the different directions I’ve taken and there was no way I could change anything to make it all fit. It is a first draft that urgently needs to be shared.

A full diary

By chance, Éléonore Lagacé, much sought after after her appearance on Big Brother Celebrities, released her mini album in 2022 while attending rehearsals for the musical Hair, from which she inherited one of the leading roles. , and on TV a week before the Zenith finale.

As if her days weren’t busy enough, she’s currently doing her high school diploma in Pop Vocals at UQAM. The start of Elle s’en fout tomorrow, Thursday, at the Plaze exit is also his final test before a jury present in the hall.

It’s a lot, but she sticks it out and makes sure she gets her eight hours of sleep a night. “You never know when opportunities will come and you have to seize them.”

  • They don’t careby Éléonore Lagacé, available April 7th.

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