From Manaus to Paris, Rafa Kalimann opens a photo album with her boyfriend and declares herself the Portal do Holanda

Rafa Kalimann published photos with her new boyfriend, businessman Antônio Bernardo Palhares, on Saturday evening (13) and declared himself on Instagram.

From Manaus to Paris Rafa Kalimann opens a photo albumThe influencer and former BBB shared several photos with her lover, some of them on trips to Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the background and the Rio Negro in Manaus, where she celebrated her 30th birthday in April. The clicks also include photos of Antônio alone and of the couple’s walks in other snowcapped mountain scenarios.

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Rafa also showed a note of flowers that the businessman had sent her and replied in the caption: “I would give you that skill too, in addition to zeal, lightness and a good taste for flowers, Antônio is a calm, noble heart.” , he wrote.

Earlier this year, Rafa split with José Loreto. She can currently be seen on the small screen in Dança dos Famosos, Domingo com Huck and TV Globo.

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Portal do Holanda was founded on November 14, 2005. First with a column that bore the name of its founder, the journalist Raimundo de Holanda. Then he moved to Blog do Holanda and finally to Portal do Holanda. It was one of the first websites in the state of Amazonas. It is audited by IVC and ComScore.