1684601439 Ukraine The War of Stories Union of Cuban Journalists

Ukraine: The War of Stories Union of Cuban Journalists

Ukraine The War of Stories Union of Cuban Journalists

The conflict in Ukraine has entered a field where the confrontation of stories acquires great importance. The lie, the contradiction and the absurd have never been as valid as they are today. Some situations border on the ridiculous, which is no less problematic given that the massively disseminated story is accepted or not by millions of citizens who, on that basis, admit a general position when it comes to the way in which which it is presented from the beginning and in the values ​​, life is accepted and in particular the position taken to understand and face this conflict, which from a structural and existential point of view has a transformative dimension for billions of citizens accepts the planet.

fake news

In this way, tools such as fake news, affirmations without evidence and decontextualized claims configure a trove of ideas that, subjected to the objective standard of truth, shows a total simulation that pursues the goal of altering reality in favor of interests powerful There are situations that indicate borders on the ridiculous without the perpetrators showing the slightest concern about the harmful effects of their statements. Let’s look at some of them:

  • The Ukrainian government was delighted that the UK sent them depleted uranium shells. Now that Russia has destroyed the 649th air depot in the city of Khmelnitsky in western Ukraine, where some of the missiles sent by London were stored, not only Ukrainian but also Polish authorities are reporting an increase in radiation in this region, as well as in the neighboring one City of Lublin in Poland. The media is silent about it.
  • Germany celebrated the destruction of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines by a blatant terrorist attack, but only weeks later the German insurance companies Allianz and Munich Re renewed cover for the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. Can this be explained?
  • According to an official report of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, their troops are advancing through a correct defense in Bakhmut. It would be a contribution to military art, because in the academy you teach that you either defend or attack. It’s hard to understand for someone with a little knowledge of tactics and operational art. Or we would simply have to accept that it is a hoax from ignoramuses.
  • Ukraine continues to murder civilians in the cities it claims as its own. According to Ukrainian logic, that would be autogenocide. Then they want these citizens to happily greet and congratulate them.
  • Putin

  • France has declared that Russia has become a vassal of China. President Putin replied with numbers that Europe’s dependence on China was much greater than that on Russia. But while Beijing and Moscow have agreed on a mutually beneficial partnership, Europe sees China as a “systemic competitor and rival”. Where’s the consistency?
  • The Armed Forces of Ukraine have reported that Patriot missiles shot down a Russia-launched Kinzhal hyper-missile. The truth is that the Patriot AA missiles fly with 0.9 hits, and the Kinzhal – at least – with 5 hits. How can a dove fly faster than an eagle?
  • On the other hand, the Ukrainian government claimed to have shot down 90 percent of the missiles launched by Russia. So why are they demanding tens of billions to rebuild the country if it has not suffered destruction? It is very easy to see on the Internet the maps of the fires detected by NASA satellites on Ukrainian territory, on which dozens of fires after bombings from rockets, drones, aircraft and Russian long-range artillery can be seen.
  • It took the Kinzhal two minutes and 14 seconds to destroy one of Ukraine’s two Patriot systems. Kiev denied this, Washington confirmed it. They don’t even agree to lying. In any case, in just over two minutes, $150 million (cost of one Patriot system) of US “aid” disappeared after the Kinzhal impact, which cost $10 million. I think it’s not a good deal for Washington. Incidentally, as expected, the paid press did not report on this.
  • The last straw that broke the camel’s back was that in the May 13 attacks, the Russians fired two Kinzhal missiles and Ukraine shot down six. It’s certainly a simple math problem.
  • The United States and Ukraine have said that Bakhmut is not strategic, only symbolic. Why, then, are they holding on “tooth and claw” despite the thousands of dead and wounded in the so-called war? Bakhmut’s “meat”. Grinder”?
  • dead Ukrainian military troops

  • The Ukrainian government has officially reported that there have been “only” 15,000 casualties since the start of the Russian special military operation. Then why are they organizing a football game to honor the 300,000 fallen?
  • President Joe Biden has announced that he will ask his counterparts at the G-7 summit in the Japanese city of Hiroshima for a “near-full” veto on Russian exports. On the same day, the media reported that the United States had bought $1 billion worth of enriched uranium from Russia. It doesn’t seem very consistent.
  • Western speakers boast that Russia’s economy has collapsed. But the European Commission has projected 2023 GDP growth of 1.4 percent for the United States, 1 percent for the European Union and a 0.9 percent contraction for Russia (they had “calculated” 3.2 percent and 30 .4 percent announced for Ukraine. And that despite ten rounds and almost 1,700 sanctions against Russia. In 2024, growth of one percent is forecast for the USA and 1.3 percent for Russia. In other words, the sanctioned party will grow faster than the sanctioning party. They don’t even talk about Ukraine.
  • The UK has announced it will train Ukrainian pilots to fly the US F-16 multirole fighter. However, they reported that they will not deliver the planes to Ukraine. That is, they will train pilots for a plane that Ukraine will not have. In any case, John Venable, a pilot with 25 years in the US Air Force, has stated that he “would not attempt to fly the F-16 in Ukraine because the plane is incapable of overcoming Russian air defenses systems.” . I guess they heard it in London. Maybe that’s why they won’t supply the planes. The pilot training thing is only for public opinion… and for the unwary.
  • In a press conference, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that his organization had delivered 230 tanks to Ukraine (remember they offered 350 including the 54 from Spain which were junk so they could only deliver 6 ). He also said they had provided 1,550 armored vehicles and that was the 98 percent agreed. New math problem: 230 is 98 percent of 350 anywhere in the world.
  • Stoltenberg also said that NATO had prepared nine Ukrainian brigades and that these were enough for the famous counter-offensive that NATO is preparing. Ukraine has a total of 20–23 brigades, each with 3,000–5,000 fighters. That means Ukraine has at least 60,000 and at most 110,000 capable soldiers. But it needs to deploy between nine and ten brigades to protect Kiev, Kharkov and other cities and strategic targets. That means they will only have between 11 and 12 for the counter offensive.
  • According to Stoltenberg, 1,550 armored personnel carriers were also delivered. Of them, Russia has already destroyed 150. There are 1,400 left, but about 600 must be left behind to protect capitals and the hinterland. Total: You only have 800 for the counter-offensive.
  • To assume that this will result in a victorious counteroffensive against Russia with 12 brigades, 230 tanks, 800 armored vehicles and almost no aviation or navy is nothing short of a dream. That’s why they delay it. They know they cannot do it, and if they do, it will not be victorious and will fail.
  • Christopher Cavoli

  • General Christopher Cavoli, commanding general, US Army Europe and Africa; United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken; NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel stated, among other things, that the armed forces of Ukraine can launch a counter-offensive against Russia with the logistical and weapon technology support. Again: why not?
  • The story now is that the F-16s are needed and that owning them will turn the tide in Ukraine’s favour. We have already heard that with the arrival of the Himars, after the Patriots and later the Leopard tanks, the course of the war would also change. None of that happened. How much longer will they lie and deceive with “colored mirrors”?
  • Josep Borrell, the incredible Josep Borrell said on August 26, 2022 that Russia had already lost the war. Curiously, on May 11, nine months later, he said exactly the same thing again. Could it be that it got stuck in time? Or who lives in another world? This attempt to assume that idiocy doesn’t cloud him.
  • Lost 413 aircraft, 230 helicopters, 3,901 drones, 421 anti-aircraft missile systems, 8,904 tanks and armored fighting vehicles, 1,095 self-propelled multiple rocket launchers, 4,688 artillery pieces and 9,843 special military vehicles, as well as 300,000 soldiers and 125 thousand km2 of territory, can it be said that Ukraine won the war?
  • Could it be that they are preparing for defeat or, at best, a forced negotiation? Berlin 1945, Saigon 1975, Kabul 2021 and Nuremberg 1946 are remembered.

    Taken by pl

    Cover picture: Radioactive cloud warns Europe after weapons destruction in Ukraine. The Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, warned of the emergence of this danger from weapons with depleted uranium.