Lula manages to stir up resentment across the continent left and right Diário do Poder

Under the strong influence of the late radical activist Celso Amorim, 81, Lula (PT) has now managed to anger the continent’s presidents of left and right, gathered in Brasilia. He paid the price of hearing open criticism from Uruguayan conservative Luis Lacalle Pou and even Chilean communist Gabriel Boric, unhappy with their nonsense that the Venezuelan dictatorship would be a “narrative”. The lie irritated presidents who, from an ideological point of view, have a shared respect for democracy.

Just step on the ball

After embarrassing himself for supporting Putin and retiring before the G7 summit, Lula earned Zelenskyy’s contempt and ran for a photo with Nicolás Maduro.

Boric saw the horror

Leftist Gabriel Boric insisted that Maduro’s dictatorship was not narrative but something “real and serious”. More: “I saw the horror of the Venezuelans”.

Cover the sun with your finger

“The worst thing we can do is block the sun with our finger,” Lacalle Pou said, referring to Lula’s distortion of reality in Venezuela.

Lies become “truth”

By urging Maduro to “change the narrative,” Lula appeared to be trying to pass on to the dictator his own victorious experience of creating narratives based on facts.

After embarrassing himself for supporting Putin and retiring before the G7 summit, Lula earned Zelenskyy’s contempt and ran for a photo with Nicolás Maduro.

Valdemar attacks Salles to maintain positions in SP

PL national president Valdemar Costa Neto yesterday publicly expressed his anger at the surge in the conservative candidacy of deputy Ricardo Salles for mayor of São Paulo, labeling the former minister as someone on the “extreme right”. It’s not about the ideological question. Valdemar is irritated because he has pledged to support the reelection of Mayor Ricardo Nunes (MDB), who in return was given control of the Green and Environment Secretariat and two subprefectures.

Nobody tasca

As an oldfashioned politician, Valdemar controls positions and desires in the municipal secretariat and in the subprefectures of Campo Limpo and Butantã.

tightening position

Despite the attack on Salles, Valdemar also made it clear that former President Jair Bolsonaro will nominate the PL candidate for mayor.

edge right

After the social media post, Valdemar became the target of harsh criticism from Bolsonarists, who do not want the current mayor to be reelected.

power without shame

elegant preacher

During the constituent assembly that drafted the current constitution, Senator Afonso Arinos (PSDBRJ) did not let up in his parliamentary sermons. At one point, speaking to reporters in Congress, he began discussing the crises of presidentialism throughout history. The young journalists didn’t seem very interested. Afonso Arinos got the message. “My children, this is history for you, but understand: for me it is memory…” he taught.

Is there a narration?

Despite being authorized to question the dictator, reporter Delis Ortiz was cowardly attacked by one of Nicolás Maduro’s henchmen. It’s up to the bully to take Lula’s advice and come up with a “narrative” for the episode.

Became a police case

The Itamaraty confirmed the lawsuit against Ambassador Alfredo César Martinho Leoni, which has now been sent for investigation by the Federal Police, the Ministry of State and the TCU. But it was filed “in the correctional area.”

silent dictatorship

It was up to Lula to be the bad influence: the Aspone Celso Amorim told him that “since our visit to Venezuela he has never known a calm… that reigns.” [no país]“. As if a cruel dictatorship that arrests, tortures and kills would allow protest demonstrations.

The difference

“The ‘authoritarian’ Bolsonaro, who said a lot that he didn’t practice, never persecuted anyone, not even Lula,” former senator and former mayor of Manaus Arthur Virgílio Neto (PSDB) said on social media.

aphrodisiac power

Lula was delighted to learn that an octogenarian aide like himself had fallen in love with a radical PT member who was just 38 years old. “Power is an aphrodisiac,” he joked, quoting a famous phrase from the late Fernando Lyra, the former Sarney minister.

There are options in the PL

PL chairman Valdemar Costa Neto says he doesn’t believe in Jair Bolsonaro’s suspension but has a plan B should it come to that. He said that there are many good people in the party. Like former First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro.

in the neck

The allegation of sexual harassment by Márcio Jerry (PCdoBMA) against Congresswoman Julia Zanatta (PLSC) finally reached the Ethics Council. The representation was presented by the faction of the parliamentarian.

moral damage

Former director of the Federal Road Police, Silvinei Vasques, filed a lawsuit against André Janones (AvanteMG) for being offended by words like “bandit”. The claim for damages is R$ 312,000.

Well thought…

…”Narratives” turned a corrupt person into a “persecuted person” and punishment for a crime of responsibility into a “coup”.