Flávia Alessandra was the target of attacks after she shared pictures of a bathing suit on social media. This Thursday (15), the 49yearold actress spoke out against the sexist content of some comments. The artist regretted that other women had banded together to criticize her.
Last week, Flávia shared footage of a trip to celebrate her birthday. In the publication, she appears in a bathing suit on a farm. In a video on her Instagram profile, the actress was outraged by the attacks she received.
Flávia’s artistic career began in 1989. She pointed out that at the time, tabloids and magazines controlled public perception of female celebrities. As social media evolved, the actress celebrated the resumption of her own storytelling. However, he lamented that the Internet had become a lawless land.
“Anyone who used to follow the magazines commented on something in their circle of friends. Now he follows our personal profile, comments directly on our photo,” he said.
“Last weekend I posted a picture carousel of me enjoying a waterfall in my bathing suit,” she recalls. “What did I get? Lots of mean, sexist, and sexist comments. What struck me the most is that most of the comments came from women.”
Flávia added imprints of some attacks to the video. Internet users criticized, among other things, that the actress was too old to show her body on the Internet. “Women questioning my values as if it were disrespectful to my husband and daughters. They questioned my body and said I was too skinny,” she said.
Through her manifestation, the artist hopes to develop a movement of empathy among women. “It’s sad to know that a woman enjoying a sunny day is misunderstood and even considered old at 49, while men of the same age are interpreted as heartthrobs,” he said.
My wish is that we women can live as we want without so much criticism and that men become aware of what they say. May we women make a peace pact and support each other. If there is no support, at least there is no judgement.
Flávia’s image has been criticized on social networks
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