Journalist Cecilia Flesch says she is at peace, very calm and has no regrets about what she said about GloboNews on the podcast É Nóia Minha? said of Camila Stranger.
“When the person listens to the podcast, they will see that I haven’t said too much. I didn’t speak ill of the station. I spoke about the everyday life of a journalist,” she says of the column.
After 18 years with GloboNews, Cecília was fired on Tuesday (13). The reason given by the management was that the station was undergoing a reformulation. However, her departure came a day after website TV Pop revealed that the journalist had repeatedly criticized the news channel. The conversation with Camila Fremder was published at the end of April.
“What happened is that I said all those phrases, but when you take them out of context, they seem like something else,” he says.
In one of these lines she calls GloboNews “RivoNews”, alluding to the anxiolytic Rivotril. “We call the environment ‘RivoNews’ […] People turn off the TV when they want and throw away the newspaper when they want. We are obliged to pass on information. We cannot escape reality. how do you run away Taking medication,” she says, laughing, during the show.
In the column, Cecilia says the nickname “RivoNews” wasn’t her invention, it came from other newsrooms, and it’s “very old.”
Cecilia, host of Em Ponto, adds that while she felt a “hidden desire” to do something new, she never wanted to pressure her to resign. “I have a bill to pay. It was CLT. I need money, man, just like everyone else.”
She also claims to have been satisfied with her work. “I even did tap dancing in the air. There is a video. Just check out Instagram where I dance with the tap dance in the air [apresentador] Marcelo Pereira.
Cecilia adds that she doesn’t mind being called “GloboNews’ Ana Furtado” — the former Globo presenter was known for always being chosen to fill in for artists who had to stay away from her shows.
“I really was a jack of all trades and wrote absolutely all GloboNews newspapers. I was very proud of that. It was just really exhausting. And then, at some point, I couldn’t take it anymore.”
When asked if she will continue to watch the station, Cecilia says she will tune in to the station when she has “breaking news” because she wants to give herself a “vacation time” from the news to oxygenate her mind . “It’s still a respected broadcaster,” he says. “I’ll see how I’ve always seen GloboNews and other channels.”
Below you will find important excerpts from the telephone interview:
At this moment I am very calm, very peaceful and very aware of what I have said. People think I did sincerity. NO. I haven’t spoken ill of the station where I worked for 18 years and where I grew up, learned and made my career. I didn’t speak ill of the TV [GloboNews] never.
What I meant was the crazy routine of a journalist. Tell me a journalist who lives a quiet life? I am very satisfied and confident in what I have done. The dismissal was very respectful.
When I was at GloboNews I developed the “Fale” method, a course that teaches people how to speak well. And I always said the following sentence to the course participants: “We are responsible for what we say, not for what others understand.”
Given all that happened, I remembered an old Folha commercial that showed Hitler. His image appeared gradually, only with flattering phrases. And at the end of the commercial it said something like, “You can lie just by telling the truth.”
I have never forgotten that commercial. I think he’s very iconic. What happened with this podcast is, yes, I said all of those phrases, but when you take them out of context, they seem to be something else.
I was very sad to see that my colleagues in the press, including Folha himself, repeated the exact text on TV Pop’s website. That’s why I created the hashtag #ouveopodcast so people can listen and draw their own conclusions.
I am very amazed at the effects of everything. First, because my resignation and my director said so was due to a reformulation by the channel. Coincidentally, it came after the news published by this site [TV Pop].”
But look how curious. The day I got fired before the gossip site was published, that’s what I did [programa] Female pilot with Mônica Waldvogel for her arrival. And I also did the pilot with the people of Valor, because that’s where Valor will be appearing at Em Ponto. And it was fine. I talked about how we’re changing the frame of the newspaper to mark the oneyear anniversary.
As I exited the station, the “Report” link appeared. Then it went downhill
Maybe yes. Let’s assume it was the excuse to do whatever they wanted. Whether it was a reformulation I don’t know, whether there was a larger framework from other people I don’t know. I don’t know what caused it, but it definitely wasn’t due to reviews or unsustainable weather. It was definitely neither one nor the other.
NO [tenho arrependimento] Because when the person listens to the podcast, they will see that I haven’t said much. When I listened to the context, I said absolutely nothing else. I didn’t speak ill of the station. I was talking about a journalist’s routine, not GloboNews.
This is a very old thing from other newsrooms because we are under such pressure that everyone is looking for their own Rivotril. There are people who have Rivotril in their purse, there are people who eat a lot of chocolate, there are people who drink coffee. Everyone discovers their Rivotril to calm down.
Only those who work in the newsroom understand. It wasn’t a nickname I gave or invented. It’s a very old thing.
The podcast was about routine. I’ve been talking about my everyday life, my life as a journalist, and that’s why I insist that people listen to the podcast because then they will see that I haven’t said too much. I have never spoken badly about television.
On the contrary, I really believe in the people who are there. They work hard, always strive to do their best, and always want to provide information with the utmost assertiveness and accuracy.
[Um dos pontos polêmicos do podcast é quando Cecília afirma que a GloboNews só fala de política e economia e que isso “é um saco”]
It’s not that I hate it I worked there and it’s an editorial choice. [da emissora] only getting involved in politics and economics.
On the podcast, I said that as a joke and made fun of the situation. Carol Martins [jogadora profissional de poker, que também participava do podcast] asked if there wasn’t a room to talk about series and cinema.
And I said no, we didn’t talk about other things, just politics and economics. And it’s obvious that the proximity to series and cinema, politics and business sucks.
It’s unbelievable that I have to explain jokes all the time. it’s too much for me There was context in what I said.
Carol also said that she wanted to go back to television and I said that today we have the Internet. But I didn’t criticize television, that’s because the television market is much more difficult.
Some people ask, “But your colleagues don’t speak up publicly.” [em apoio]’I wonder why?’. Guys, imagine I want people to manifest publicly. I don’t have the slightest need for it. What matters are the good friends I’ve made and what they send me privately,
People are under no obligation to speak out publicly, and I don’t insist on it.
In my suicide note I said that it depends on the colleagues I will take, the friends I will take and even the life brothers I will take. What I have built up there, nobody will take away from me.
Apparently the climate created in the newsroom has nothing to do with me. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. On the other hand. I get texts from my friends who are devastated because I’m the person who arrives with a party and says good morning effusively.
I just stopped talking to a publisher because she was unfaithful [comigo]. I thought she was a friend, but I don’t want people like that around me. That was the weather.
[Em 2021, Cecília foi criticada nas redes sociais porque teria debochado da forma como Lula (PT) fala advogado. “E os adevogados?”, escreveu ela no Twitter, na ocasião. Posteriormente, a jornalista apagou o post].
I made a series of posts on Twitter analyzing Lula’s speech and saying how well he spoke, how he’s a guy who knows how to communicate with people, how effectively he says who he’s addressing . As a detail, I have cited the “lawyer” as an example of him maintaining his way of speaking.
It came in a series of posts. But it’s Twitter, right? Yes, I regret it. I thought people would follow my posts and this one failed.
If I had been fired back then, I would have looked very bad. They said, “Look, I shouldn’t have done that, it was horrible.” I apologized, that was it and that was it.
Zero [incomodava ser chamada desta forma]. It only bothered me because of the tiredness but not because of the person who is able to do all the papers in the house and adapt to each individual’s profile and still manages to inculcate my personality in all of them. I was very glad.
I really was a jack of all trades and made absolutely all of GloboNews’ newspapers. I was very proud of that. It was just really exhausting. At some point I couldn’t take it anymore and said, “Guys, I can’t, I’m very exhausted, I have a little daughter, I don’t see my daughter anymore.”
And there was actually a time when I had a hypoglycemic spike due to too much cortisol in the blood. We know that cortisol is linked to stress. I even posted a photo saying I was going on the air and 15 minutes later I was sick and had to leave by ambulance. I went to the hospital and then took a break. At that moment it was decided that I would come to São Paulo to do Em Ponto.
People say, “Oh, if she wasn’t happy, then why wasn’t she gone?” I was happy, folks. I’ve even tap danced in the air. have video Just check out GloboNews Instagram, I’m dancing in the air with Marcelo Pereira.
When I went on the air I was very happy, very excited and very satisfied.
The desire to do something more and different was latent, it existed. But I never wanted to provoke my resignation. Never imagine that.
There are people who say I said too much just to get fired. Imagine, folks, I have a sixyearold daughter in high school. I have a bill to pay. It was CLT. I need money, man, just like everyone else.
What I want now is to take a break from the news, take a deep breath and understand where I am. And continue to live my life, happy for who I am, being the light and easygoing person and committed to the truth that I’ve always been.