Todays horoscope March 18 2023 all signs of the zodiac

Today’s horoscope, June 17, 2023, all zodiac signs

inside Horoscope today, Saturday June 17that the end of the day the New Moon in Gemini. as it is accompanied Neptunea planet that speaks of magic opens for you a new cycle of six months full of hope to achieve your dreams.

So I suggest you do one special ritual, for this you need a piece of your favorite chocolate or candy. If you feel in tune with the cosmos tonight, put the chocolate in your mouth but don’t swallow it.

Close your eyes and slowly savor the sweetness while contemplating the desires you are about to make. Feel happy as it dissolves in your mouth and imagine that you have already reached the orders.

If it has dissolved but you can still taste the chocolate in your mouth, read the order list with confidence and excitement. When you are finished, keep the list with you to check that your wishes are being met.


A very special cycle begins tonight with the new moon as imagination and magic increase the speed of your mind. This is because the moon phase mentioned above is influenced by Neptune, making your ideas the best tool to create the future you desire.

You’ll embark on a six-month period in which you’ll find it very easy to achieve everything from travel to attracting the best clients that seemed impossible to win. Add these issues to your list of concerns and then perform the ritual as I explain in the introduction. Read your list out loud and imagine that you are already living the prompt.

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Aries weekly horoscope, June 12-18, 2023

Aries monthly horoscope for June

Annual horoscope Aries 2023


You have always used your intelligence to manage your finances and until a few weeks ago everything was going in your favor. However, recently you have found that this was not the case. Tonight the new moon shows you that you are beginning a new cycle in which you will reach a higher level of shopping by using your magic more and trusting in your attraction.

You will see that if you put logic aside for a bit, you will magically solve your financial problems. Also, take a moment this night and make your request to the new moon through the ritual as I explain in the introduction.

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Taurus weekly horoscope for June 12-18, 2023

Taurus monthly horoscope for June

Annual horoscope Taurus 2023


Today you have the new moon in your sign, symbolizing the beginning of a new personal cycle with the qualities of your personality that you wish to emphasize and develop further. As it is influenced by Neptune you can fulfill your love desires as the universe offers you an opportunity to meet someone of great importance in your life in the next six months.

This will be very favorable for giving in to your feelings, putting aside commitments and choosing to enjoy romance and infatuation. Add the lover to the list of commands you have prepared and perform the ritual explained.

See also:

Gemini weekly horoscope, June 12-18, 2023

Gemini monthly horoscope for June

Annual horoscope Gemini 2023


Tonight, Neptune is involved in the new moon process, which is why a six-month cycle of mysticism begins for you. In this way, you will be able to discover and realize the meaning of everything behind appearances, so you will also feel your perception increase as your third eye begins to open.

In this way you will see the real intentions of those around you, read their minds and communicate without speaking. Use this lunar energy to ask the moon for a spiritual teacher to guide you in this new phase. If you feel connected to the moon tonight, follow the steps of the ritual explained.

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Cancer weekly horoscope from June 12th to 18th, 2023

Cancer monthly horoscope for June

Annual horoscope for Cancer 2023


This moon phase today will bring you the discovery of a spiritual path over the next six months that will teach you to maintain your serenity and cultivate love and compassion. This knowledge will help you better understand your emotional states as well as the people with whom you share your life goals.

It will also give you a better understanding of yourself and will allow you to create new projects that will bring many people together and form one big spiritual family. Use this evening to ask the new moon through the ritual for this knowledge and the rest of your desires.

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The weekly horoscope Leo from June 12th to 18th, 2023

Leo’s monthly horoscope for June

Annual horoscope Leo 2023


The New Moon in Gemini occurs three months before your birthday each year, underscoring your tendency these days to look back and revisit what you have decided. However, it is time to look to the future and fulfill your dreams because it is accompanied by Neptune.

With all this energy in your horoscope, you are beginning a new cycle in which your ability to attract wealth will increase and therefore you will find it easier to achieve your economic dreams. So write your goals clearly on your list. As the sun goes down, meditate a little to connect with the moon and perform the ritual.

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Virgo weekly horoscope from June 12th to 18th, 2023

Virgo monthly horoscope for June

Annual horoscope Virgo 2023



Since your zodiac sign belongs to the air element, you have a lot of intuition. This night will be even more sublime as the New Moon and Neptune pronounce it and it is important that you focus today on choosing within yourself those ideas and phrases that you will rely on in building your next six months.

Follow your instincts when choosing and also trust the personal growth tools you have learned. Look in your spiritual books for paragraphs that inspire, strengthen, and resonate with you as you read. Write them down to read tonight as you connect with the moon and perform your ritual.

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The Libra weekly horoscope for June 12-18, 2023

Libra monthly horoscope for June

Annual horoscope Libra 2023

Scorpio horoscope

The presence of Neptune and the new moon tonight will start a new cycle with new emotions and more serenity. This will cause you to start relationships in a new way, without so many emotional dependencies, and so you can be clear about what really connects you and what you like about others, and know what you don’t like need them.

Add to your list of requests to the moon the ability to build all of your relationships on a solid and stable foundation of love and understanding. Tonight, take a moment, breathe deeply, and wholeheartedly make your request to the new moon.

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Scorpio weekly horoscope for June 12-18, 2023

Scorpio monthly horoscope for June

Annual horoscope Scorpio 2023

Sagittarius horoscope

You feel a very special emotion early on and your heart beats faster due to the influence of the new moon. Something in you knows that with this phase of the moon you are beginning a new cycle in your relationships and that it will be filled with love and romance.

As it is accompanied by Neptune, the strength of your heart and your intention to manifest and bring about the relationship you really want to live will increase.

Also to those soul mates that you need so much because this phase of the moon will bring you new people according to the request you are making today. Try to have a quiet afternoon and then do your ritual.

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Sagittarius weekly horoscope from June 12th to 18th, 2023

Monthly horoscope Sagittarius for June

Annual horoscope Sagittarius 2023


Today’s New Moon is beneficial for you to follow a healthier diet that will help eliminate toxins from your body. As a result, you feel more vitality and strength, which is reflected in increased optimism and the certainty that the next six months will go well.

This is because the moon phase mentioned is accompanied by Neptune. By doing this, you open up a cycle of prosperity linked to your work and the money you make. Therefore, you can add the arrival of a new position to the list of orders for today’s ritual. Do the ritual and feel the power of the beginning.

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The weekly horoscope for Capricorn from June 12th to 18th, 2023

Capricorn monthly horoscope for June

Annual horoscope Capricorn 2023


Today’s new moon, accompanied by Neptune, lets you start a new cycle of your emotions, filled with romance and love. Living under the Gemini zodiac sign, a sign compatible with yours, will make you feel like your energy is flowing freely and that you can sync your dreams with your heart and make them come true.

Write in detail what kind of relationship you want to build and that will accompany you throughout your life. You must make this description as detailed as possible and also include the date you want the person to arrive. Do a little meditation tonight and perform the ritual while feeling connected to the moon.

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Aquarius weekly horoscope, June 12-18, 2023

Aquarius monthly horoscope for June

Annual horoscope for Aquarius 2023


With today’s new moon, you begin a new six-month cycle with more free time to experience new situations, meet new people, and visit new places.

As this phase of the moon is accompanied by Neptune, it is important that you understand that the well-being and magic you experience during the said time is a reflection of the calm and balance you will have in your inner world.

Tonight, as you connect with the moon, in addition to your desires, add a desire to achieve your happiness. Then do the initiation ritual and feel the power of beginning a new cycle.

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Pisces weekly horoscope, June 12-18, 2023

Pisces monthly horoscope for June

Annual horoscope Pisces 2023

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Silvia Rioja and Silvia Rioja contributed.