Desertification and drought are major problems for humanity

Desertification and drought are major problems for humanity

This date was set by the United Nations in 1995 to remind the world that desertification is the result of permanent land degradation caused by constant deforestation, salinization, water shortages and overexploitation of aquifers.

On the other hand, a drought represents a change or anomaly in climate that occurs when the amount of rainfall is well below what corresponds to a geographical area and affects the growth of all species that develop in that area.

Soil degradation in different regions of the world is a result of continuous human activities that have unfortunately degraded large areas of land, leading to erosion, depletion of aquifers and loss of soil nutrients.

This currently poses a serious problem for the economy and the development of peoples, especially in countries where cultivation and agricultural production are one of the main sources of income for people with limited resources.

For this reason, on this day, the United Nations calls for the adoption of measures to neutralize land degradation, with which the organizations involved assume the obligation to ensure the enjoyment of all resources provided by Mother Nature.

This year, the Day of Combating Desertification and Drought is themed “Woman”. your lands. your rights.

It’s about making sure they have the rights they deserve on the land, because when drought wreaks havoc and soils deteriorate, they tend to be the hardest hit. 50 percent of the world’s population cannot be excluded from access to land.
