Summary of the news
- Studies show that the melting of the Antarctic ice pack is accelerating.
- If it melts, countless countries could disappear.
- The glacier is in Antarctica.
Experts warn of one of the largest glaciers in the world, which would flood large parts of the world if it melted. The near future of the “Doomsday Glacier”, as it is called, is still uncertain and worrying.
The socalled Thwaites Glacier is the same size as the UK and is currently anchored in Antarctica.
New studies and underwater surveys led by the British Antarctic Survey Institute found different sediments beneath the glacier and showed its continued rapid retreat is one of the predictions for sea level rise.
“We hope that by showing the detailed geology and its correlation with basal wear, future models of glacial retreat will have less uncertainty as the controls for basal processes are better understood,” said Dr. Tom Jordan, geophysicist at the Institute.
Glacier could leave sunken world if it melts Reproduction/Twitter
According to a 2019 NASA statement, it’s heading for an “apocalyptic instability” that, once weathered, means 150 years from now everything on the sea could be floating and melting.
Current sea levels are almost 20 cm above preglobal warming levels and are responsible for increased coastal flooding around the world, which can result in loss of life.
*Supervised by Filipe Siqueira
Researchers find bizarre creature in the Antarctic Sea
Scientists surprised the world with a bizarre find: an abyssal and frightening creature in the Antarctic sea. “We’ve never seen anything like it,” one of them said in the documentary about the frozen continent, which revealed the discovery firsthand.
The images were taken during the Antarctic Expedition, a 50day expedition to the continent in January.
The ship that made the discovery is New Zealand’s RV Tangaroa.
The images first appeared in the documentary The Mysteries of Antarctica
According to the documentation, the creature was caught at a depth of 3,500 meters
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They wanted to study animals and plants that live at this depth.
And they came across it. A creature that, according to some in charge of the research, has been “never seen before.”
Creatures that live at this depth are strange, mainly because they are subjected to pressures 300 times greater than at sea level.
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For the catch, the scientists used a special fishing net.
A “fishing” of this type is quite complicated, since it requires about 5,000 meters of cable and requires a waiting time of up to 6 hours for the net to be recovered
Dr. Kareen Schnabel, a marine biologist at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand, was one of those commenting on the discovery in the documentary.
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“It had something very interesting on the front that made it look a bit like a hippopotamus,” she said in an interview with AEDaily.
“I had never seen anything like it,” he added.
On the internet, some have commented that the creature resembles some sort of horror movie predator.
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“We don’t know how many there are down there, we don’t know how common it is,” he said.
Despite the bizarre comparisons, the team was thrilled with the results of the trip.
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“That’s why I came to Antarctica to see things like this,” said Dr. Andrew Stewart, one of the principal investigators
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