1688123432 Fancy some starry cold pasta Copy Bruno Barbieris brilliant and

Fancy some starry, cold pasta? Copy Bruno Barbieri’s brilliant and delicious idea Butta La Pasta

Recreate an amazing recipe by Bruno Barbieri and you’ll have everyone licking their mustaches. The chef prepares a fantastic cold pasta that you must try.

Would you like an inviting and delicious cold pasta? This is starry and everyone will really enjoy it, with the recipe of the famous chef Bruno Barbieri you will undoubtedly make a great impression. If you follow the procedure that the well-known chef will explain to you step by step, it will be very easy to put it on the table a great dish and super inviting.

Your guests will go crazy as soon as they try it, and they’ll surely make an encore too. In summer it is always nice to eat cold and tasty dishes to counteract the sultry days cold pasta You can prepare it in advance and enjoy it when you get home. You can also take it to the office or to the beach.

With a delicious recipe by Bruno Barbieri you can prepare a delicious and fabulous cold pasta that will drive everyone crazy

The well-known and popular chef reveals his recipe for preparing a fresh and super tasty first courseBarley salad with cashews and marinated feta. Once you taste it you can’t stop eating it, it’s really delicious.

Cold barley salad by Bruno Barbieri

Barley salad with feta cheese and cashews Instagram photo @brunobarbieri_chef (buttalapasta.it)

These are the Ingredients You must prepare an exquisite E starry cold pasta:

  • 180 grams of barley
  • 50 g cashew nuts
  • 100g feta cheese
  • 1 red onion
  • Spice mix to taste
  • 1 green pepper
  • thyme to taste
  • Oregano to taste
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • dried chili to taste
  • fresh parsley to taste
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • raspberry vinegar


  • The first thing you have to do is take care of it cooking barleyThen pour into a pot of boiling salted water and cook for about 40-45 minutes.
  • Meanwhile add the marinade feta with the spice mix, the chili pepper and some extra virgin olive oil.
  • After peeling and slicing it, marinate it as well Red onion with a little salt, a pinch of oregano, extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of black pepper and raspberry vinegar.
  • The green pepper Instead, cut it into cubes and season with salt, thyme, extra virgin olive oil and garlic.
  • Once the barley is cooked, put it in a bowl and add the oil, a pinch of black pepper, the chopped fresh parsley, the pepper and that Roasted cashew nuts.
  • For a wonderful coating Follow the chef’s advice. Bruno Barbieri starts with the marinated onion, opens the segments like a fan and then adds the barley and a few cubes of marinated feta cheese. Complete the dish with a drizzle of oil and try this delicacy with your guests, you will surely leave them speechless. Bon appetit.