Released in Mexico in 1973, the sitcom Chaves captured many fans over the years who still miss their beloved characters. Alongside iconic personalities, the series portrayed a village where everyone lived (or not) in harmony.
The setting is one of the defining memories for viewers, and recently the work of a Brazilian artist caught the attention of the internet. Check the details Chaves village in 3D.
reconstruct memories
The series “Chaves” has seven seasons and has been shown for many years, with the Brazilian audience being one of the most loyal. With so many reruns, the sitcom managed to unite fans of different generations.
Because of the success in BrazilSome of the actors took part in different events in the country and moreover, the story also won an animated version.
The trio of Chaves (Roberto Bolaños), Quico (Carlos Villagrán) and Chiquinha (María Antonieta de las Nieves) embark on several adventures, most of which leave the villagers confused.
With the exception of a few external recordings, most of the episodes took place in the setting that recently went viral Internet. That’s because a Brazilian artist created the village of Chaves in 3D.
Project details
Eric Rister was responsible for the production. He works in the supervision of a post production company specializing in 3D shapes. The artist, who has worked in this field for more than 20 years, has managed to recreate with great precision every detail of the most famous village since the 80s.
The images shared online not only show the main area of the village, but also some other parts that appeared in certain episodes. Eric explained that 250 elements have been modeled so far to compose the scenario.
This work attracted the attention of many fans of the series, and in addition to the pictures, he also published a video on his YouTube channel with all the work done so far.