Fiorello teases Sgarbi and Morgan Youre right about Amadeus hes

Fiorello teases Sgarbi and Morgan: “You’re right about Amadeus, he’s not capable.” Diodato, Maneskin, Tananai: who likes them

The controversy between Vittorio Sgarbi, morgan And amadeus It is enriched with a new chapter: to intervene today with a video on Instagram, they say Fiorellowhat on the social profile of Fabrizio Biggio fits into the case with its usual irony. “I read the phrase from Amadeus, most likely he was angry with the honorable Sgarbi. What did Sgarbi and Morgan say? That Amadeus would not be able to do what he chooses to do with the songs of Sanremo. And you’re right!” says Fiorello, who pretends to be critical of Amadeus but is in fact critical of Sgarbi and Morgan, whom he calls “the genius Morgan”.

Amadeus attacking Sgarbi and Morgan? “Unfortunately, idiots always want to talk”

Sgarbi at Maxxi: Obscenity and Vulgarity. What he said on shock night with Morgan VIDEO

Fiorello on the Sgarbi-Morgan-Amadeus controversy

Fiorello, along with Fabrizio Biggio, begins to comment on the true meaning of the “cryptic” sentence posted yesterday by Amadeus (“In the silence, even an idiot can seem like an intelligent person. Unfortunately, idiots always want to talk,” he wrote ), in which the artistic director of the Sanremo Festival seemed to be arguing with someone without revealing what he was referring to. Now, using Biggio’s profile, the showman clearly explains that Amadeus was referring to what Sgarbi and Morgan said to him on the opening night of the Maxxi summer season, and, with his usual irony, intervenes in his friend’s defense by proposing an overview of hits, published by the last Sanremos, led by Amadeus, who sarcastically called them “ugly”.

“,Make noise’? Ugly, Amadeus, you are incapable of it!” – Fiorello spells and pokes fun at the resounding success of the song by Diodato, winner of Sanremo 2021. – And who chose it? Amadeus! “Come si balla” by Dargen D’Amico, which lasted a year, is still danced today? And the other “Wherever you will be” by Irama? Very ugly, always in the rankings… Is it “Apri tutte le porte” (written for Sanremo by Jovanotti for Gianni Morandi, ed.)? Terrible. It’s “chills” that have delighted millions of people… who chose them? Amadeus! Did Maneskin’s Zitti e Buoni win the festival? Amadeus, you ruined her! What about Tananai and “Tango”? Ugly, no one listens to it!».

Fiorello and Biggio then “calm down” Sgarbi when he wants to exclude Amadeus from the festival: “Sgarbi, you don’t have to do anything because he’s done.” That’s the last thing”. And then they start a “petition”: “Now we will start a petition for Morgan as artistic director so that we can finally hear successful songs, not these sluts,” Fiore articulates sarcastically. “Long live Sgarbi, long live the genius Morgan and we hope that the genius will come out next Sanremo the festival can take over, so learn Amadeus, you’ll see the success that Morgan will have as artistic director. Long live the genius,” he says.

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