Shocking announcement in the country government orders beauty salons to

Shocking announcement in the country: government orders beauty salons to be closed for the time being TV Focus

The news hit like a bomb

That’s because the Government ordered the closure beauty salons and the measure caused astonishment in the country. As is well known, this type of institution is quite successful in Brazil.

In addition to the care of vanity is the beauty salons represent an important part of the beauty industry, which also includes, for example, cosmetic products, specialist clinics, surgical procedures and fitness studios.

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Such a measure would cause panic in Brazil and trigger a serious crisis in the country. However, the controversial measure was taken by the Talibanan Islamic fundamentalist movement.

therefore, the Government determined that everything beauty salons close their doors within 30 days. According to a spokesman, the reasons for the decision will only be explained once all businesses have closed.

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therefore, the Afghanistan must follow the rules Taliban known for discriminating against women. The group has been in complete control of the territory since 2021, when US troops left the country.

Hence the new Government introduced new rules especially about women’s rights. In addition to preventing Afghan women from participating in public life, the closure of beauty salons It also makes clear that it is about reducing the place of women in society as much as possible.

Woman in beauty salon (Photo: Reproduction / Internet)Woman in beauty salon (Photo: Reproduction / Internet)

In addition to ordering the closure of beauty salons, the Taliban also found that:

  • Girls and women cannot attend secondary or higher schools;
  • Women must walk the streets seeing only their eyes;
  • Women are not allowed to enter parks or gyms;
  • Women cannot work for the UN;
  • Must be accompanied by a male relative for journeys over 72 km;

What is being done to prevent this absurdity?

The measures were not lifted by international protests or by the population itself. In the event of the closure of beauty salonsPanic grips the workers, who don’t know what to do to get money.

The one from Taliban According to information from the newspaper O Globo, the stocks are to be discontinued. The plan to ban women from life in society Afghanistan leaves wide open the gaps in various principles of our society. What a sadness!

Women protest against the Taliban government in Afghanistan ordering the closure of beauty salons (Photo: Reproduction / Internet)Women protest against the Taliban government in Afghanistan ordering the closure of beauty salons (Photo: Reproduction / Internet)

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