Shocking moment pedophile drags suitcase with 12 year old student into his

Shocking moment: pedophile drags suitcase with 12-year-old student into his apartment

This is the shocking moment a pedophile lugs a suitcase containing a 12-year-old girl into his apartment after kidnapping her and telling her she would be his ‘sex slave’.

Footage, taken in Luziania, Brazil, shows 42-year-old Daniel Moraes Bittar struggling to drag the suitcase up two flights of stairs after kidnapping the girl outside her school on June 28.

Bittar abducted the child along with his 22-year-old girlfriend Gesielly Souza Vieira, who packed her into their car and shoved a chloroform-soaked cloth in her face while he threatened her with a knife.

Her legs were then tied and she was zipped into a suitcase, which was stowed in the trunk as they drove to a wooded area to drop off her mobile phone.

But Bittar was arrested and later admitted to having “paedophilic tendencies” when the alleged victim’s school friend called the police after witnessing the horrific kidnapping.

Footage, taken in Luziania, Brazil, shows 42-year-old Daniel Moraes Bittar struggling to drag the suitcase up two flights of stairs

Footage, taken in Luziania, Brazil, shows 42-year-old Daniel Moraes Bittar struggling to drag the suitcase up two flights of stairs

Bittar (pictured) was arrested and later admitted to having

Bittar (pictured) was arrested and later admitted to having “paedophilic tendencies” and said he had considered “chemical castration”.

According to police, the girl was found in the apartment with bruises and chemical burns, her feet tied to the bed.

Investigations carried out after her rescue also confirmed that she had been sexually abused.

Detective Joao Guilherme Medeiros told the media: “The victim stated that Bittar touched her private parts and that she was forced to touch his genitals.”

“The girl said he threatened her the whole time and said she would be his sex slave.” He also filmed the student’s abuse and sent it to his girlfriend. “The victim told us he mentioned Geisy’s name on the phone.”

When police first confronted Bittar, he denied everything and claimed the girl in his apartment was a cousin, but later confessed and said he had considered “chemical castration.”

A search of Bittar’s home found electroshock devices, cameras, sex toys and pornographic material.

Then her legs were tied and she was zipped into a suitcase that was placed in the trunk.  Pictured: Bittar drags the suitcase out of his car

Then her legs were tied and she was zipped into a suitcase that was placed in the trunk. Pictured: Bittar drags the suitcase out of his car

A jerry can was also found at the scene, leading police to believe he may have planned to burn the girl’s body after raping her.

According to police, the couple had searched the school for three days in the run-up to the alleged crime in search of a victim.

Mr Medeiros told local media: “Since Monday the 26th we have had footage of him putting the suitcase in the EcoSport.” The plot of the crime is very clear.

“In fact, he had another girl in mind, a 13-year-old who had already been interviewed by our team.”

“This potential victim was known to the co-defendant because she lived near Daniel’s girlfriend. This girl was her target.

“For some reason, on June 28, they changed their minds and went to the school in Luziania and first observed children and young people, and then on a nearby street they approached the victim we found in captivity.”

A jerry can was also found at the scene, leading police to believe he may have planned to burn the girl's body after raping her

A jerry can was also found at the scene, leading police to believe he may have planned to burn the girl’s body after raping her

A search of Bittar's (pictured) home found electroshock devices, cameras, sex toys and pornographic material

A search of Bittar’s (pictured) home found electroshock devices, cameras, sex toys and pornographic material

Bittar told officers it was his first crime, but police say there is evidence he committed other crimes with his girlfriend’s help.

Vieira, meanwhile, claims she was coerced by Bittar, but the police don’t believe her.

Bittar was fired from his job as an IT technician at Banco de Brasilia on June 29 after the case came to light.

In addition to his work, he volunteered in children’s hospitals and is the father of a girl.

Vieira is now a mother of two and has presented herself as a Christian on social media.

Bittar had made several posts on social media condemning child abuse, including one stating, “Pedophilia is a crime. Report it,” police said.

Bittar (pictured) told officers it was his first crime, but police say there is evidence he committed other crimes with the help of his girlfriend

Bittar (pictured) told officers it was his first crime, but police say there is evidence he committed other crimes with the help of his girlfriend

Mr Medeiros added: “Pedophiles disguise themselves as good people to approach children.” I say they act pragmatically.

“We have encountered several cases of this type. That is why parents need to be very careful. But even those of us who are experienced are shocked by what happened.”

The couple are accused of severe unlawful repression, sexual abuse of a minor and torture. They face up to 30 years in prison.