War Ukraine Russia the latest news today July 13 LIVE

War Ukraine Russia, the latest news today, July 13. LIVE

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has ruled out the possibility of a compromise over the territories in possible negotiations with Russia in exchange for Kiev’s future NATO membership. “We will never exchange the status of any of our territories, even if it is a village where a grandfather lives,” Zelenskyy said yesterday at the end of the NATO summit in Vilnius. “We return home with a good result for our country and especially for our soldiers,” the Ukrainian president wrote on Telegram after returning from the NATO summit in Vilnius. Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov denied media reports that official peace talks could take place in Ukraine this month. “We have received no indication of this. There are reasons to believe that this is fake news, given the ongoing intention of Kyiv and its Western correspondents to escalate hostilities,” Lavrov said in an interview with the online newspaper Lenta.ru. \n\n




· Russia, the march of the rebels without firing a shot. What happened


· Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive Maps


· Tactical nuclear weapons: what they are, the differences from strategic weapons, the effects


· Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO


· Zelensky’s story from former comedian to war president. PHOTO


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\n\n\n”,”postId”:”1a466b1f-3145-466b-b5f7-6af67c7b1c66″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-07-13T06:23:08.190Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-13 08:23:08+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Lavrov: \”F-16 in Ucraina come minaccia nucleare per Mosca\””,”content”:”

Gli F-16 in Ucraina rappresenteranno una minaccia \”nucleare\” per Mosca. Lo afferma il ministro russo degli Esteri, Sergei Lavrov.

“,”postId”:”b5f03c05-2e27-4be1-a8e8-9c662d85f30f”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-13T06:05:54.345Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-13 08:05:54+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Lavrov: \”Occidente crea minaccia esistenziale a Russia\””,”content”:”

L’Occidente, con le sue azioni, crea una \”minaccia esistenziale\” per la Russia, che si difenderà con tutti i mezzi \”disponibili\”. Lo ha affermato il ministro degli Esteri russo, Sergei Lavrov, in un’intervista al giornale online ‘Lenta.ru’.
\n\”Dopo il lancio dell’operazione militare speciale, gli Stati Uniti e altri Paesi della Nato e dell’Ue hanno intensificato fortemente la guerra ibrida contro la Russia lanciata nel 2014. I passi aggressivi di questi Stati ostili creano una minaccia esistenziale per la Russia. Su questo non c’è dubbio\”, ha sottolineato il capo della diplomazia russa.

“,”postId”:”e101cc8b-28b8-4781-baab-ea7a69fddba2″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-13T05:48:57.404Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-13 07:48:57+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca risponderà \”con tutti i mezzi\” a minacce Nato “,”content”:”

La Russia risponderà con tutti i mezzi a sua disposizione alle sfide e alle minacce alla sua sicurezza e i suoi interessi, scaturiti dal vertice della Nato di Vilnius, i cui risultati dimostrano che l’Alleanza Atlantica è tornato agli schemi della Guerra Fredda. Lo fa sapere il ministero degli Esteri, a Mosca, all’indomani della ‘due giorni’ in Lituania.\”I risultati del vertice di Vilnius saranno attentamente analizzati. Tenendo conto delle sfide identificate e delle minacce alla sicurezza e agli interessi della Russia, risponderemo in modo tempestivo e appropriato utilizzando tutti i mezzi e i metodi a nostra disposizione\”, si legge nella nota.

“,”postId”:”bd2c9ee5-99f0-4e3a-a300-b9667cc47e5d”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-13T05:42:19.904Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-13 07:42:19+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev: \”Abbattuti 20 droni e due missili in terza notte di attacchi\””,”content”:”

Le autorità ucraine affermano di aver abbattuto durante la notte 20 droni russi e due missili da crociera nella terza notte di attacchi a Kiev e altrove nel paese. \”È stata un’operazione di difesa aerea di successo\”, ha detto il portavoce dell’aeronautica Yuriy Ignat. \”Venti Shahed sono stati distrutti, ovvero tutti quelli lanciati sono stati abbattuti. Oltre a due missili da crociera Kalib\”, ha aggiunto.

“,”postId”:”d9b84517-fc4b-4204-8f09-c42b214d63ef”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-13T04:55:20.730Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-13 06:55:20+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky: \”Nessun compromesso territoriale sulla Nato\””,”content”:”

\”Non scambieremo mai alcuno status per nessuno dei nostri territori, anche se si tratta di un villaggio in cui vive un nonno\”. Lo ha detto Zelensky ieri al termine del vertice della Nato di Vilnius, chiarendo che il processo di adesione alla Alleanza Atlantica non passerà per il sacrificio di territori ucraini in favore di Mosca.

“,”postId”:”750e3d5a-eba1-4c93-a165-e010aaeaa03d”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-13T04:52:51.326Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-13 06:52:51+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Lavrov: Fake news voci di un colloquio di pace a luglio\””,”content”:”

Non ci sarà alcun colloquio di pace tra Mosca e Kiev a luglio. In un’intervista al quotidiano online Lenta.ru. il ministro degli Esteri russo Sergey Lavrov smentisce le voci di una ripresa delle trattative. Le informazioni su possibili colloqui di pace sull’Ucraina a luglio sono false, poichè  Kiev e i suoi responsabili occidentali continuano a seguire la strada dell’escalation delle ostilità, ha dichiarato Lavrov. \”Non abbiamo ricevuto alcuna indicazione in merito. Ci sono ragioni per ritenere che si tratti di una fake news, vista la persistente intenzione di Kiev e dei suoi referenti occidentali di inasprire le ostilita’\”, ha dichiarato Lavrov.

\n”,”postId”:”bf135968-1a5f-44b2-b524-b84ca353e657″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “17192938-4a21-46d5-856b-1e98c3841921”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”:1} ‘>

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has ruled out the possibility of a compromise over the territories in possible negotiations with Russia in exchange for Kiev’s future NATO membership. “We will never exchange the status of any of our territories, even if it is a village where a grandfather lives,” Zelenskyy said yesterday at the end of the NATO summit in Vilnius. “We return home with a good result for our country and especially for our soldiers,” the Ukrainian president wrote on Telegram on his return from the NATO summit in Vilnius. Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov denied media reports that official peace talks could take place in Ukraine this month. “We have received no indication of this. There are reasons to believe that this is fake news given the ongoing intention of Kyiv and its Western correspondents to escalate hostilities,” Lavrov said in an interview with the online newspaper Lenta.ru.


· Russia, the march of the rebels without firing a shot. What happened

· Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive Maps

· Tactical nuclear weapons: what they are, the differences from strategic weapons, the effects

· Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO

· Zelensky’s story from former comedian to war president. PHOTO

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4 minutes ago

Lavrov: “F-16s in Ukraine as a nuclear threat to Moscow”

F-16s in Ukraine will pose a “nuclear” threat to Moscow. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

21 minutes ago

Lavrov: “The West poses an existential threat to Russia”

With its actions, the West poses an “existential threat” to Russia, which will defend itself with all “available” means. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in an interview with the online newspaper Lenta.ru.
“After the launch of the special military operation, the United States and other NATO and EU countries sharply escalated the hybrid war against Russia that began in 2014. Aggressive moves by these enemy states pose an existential threat to Russia. There is no doubt about that,” stressed the head of Russian diplomacy.

38 minutes ago

Moscow will respond to NATO’s threats “by all means”.

Russia will use all means at its disposal to respond to the challenges and threats to its security and interests arising from the Vilnius NATO Summit, the outcome of which shows that the Atlantic Alliance has returned to Cold War patterns. This was announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow the day after the “two days” in Lithuania. “The results of the Vilnius summit are being carefully analyzed. We will do so, taking into account the identified challenges and threats to the security and interests of Russia. “We will respond in a timely and appropriate manner using all means and methods at our disposal,” the statement said.

45 minutes ago

Kyiv: “20 drones and two missiles shot down in third night of attack”

Ukrainian authorities say they shot down 20 Russian drones and two cruise missiles overnight in the third night of attacks in Kiev and elsewhere in the country. “It was a successful air defense operation,” said Air Force spokesman Yuriy Ignat. “Twenty shahed were destroyed, that is, all fired were shot down. Also two Kalib cruise missiles,” he added.


Zelenskyy: “No territorial compromise to NATO”

“We will never change the status of any of our territories, even if it’s a village where a grandfather lives.” Zelenskyy said so yesterday at the end of the NATO summit in Vilnius, clarifying that the process of joining the Atlantic alliance would not involve sacrificing Ukrainian territory to Moscow.


Lavrov: Fake news rumors about July peace talks

There will be no peace talks between Moscow and Kiev in July. In an interview with the online newspaper Lenta.ru. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has denied rumors of a resumption of talks. Information about possible peace talks with Ukraine in July is false as Kyiv and its Western officials continue to pursue the path of escalating hostilities, Lavrov said. “We have not received any information regarding this. There are reasons to believe that this is fake news, as Kyiv and its Western proxies remain intent on escalating hostilities,” Lavrov said.