Lula will attend the student congress in Brazil

Lula will attend the student congress in Brazil

On the first day of the student meeting, the UNE sponsored an event to defend democracy and combat hate speech in the country the day before.

Relatives also paid tribute to the 50th anniversary of the disappearance of Honestino Guimarães, a student leader assassinated during the military dictatorship (1964-1985).

Justice Minister Flávio Dino and Luís Roberto Barroso, judge at the Federal Court of Justice, were present on the opening day.

Official sources confirmed that Lula will speak on the government’s projects for universities in the evening at the congress, which ends on Sunday with the election of the new UNE board.

Also attending the forum will be Ministers Márcio Macêdo (General Secretariat of the Presidency) and Luciana Santos (Science and Technology) and former President of Uruguay Pepe Mujica.

The students also intend to deliver a letter with demands for education.

This Thursday morning, Lula has to attend the signing ceremony of the interim measure of My House My Life, a housing deficit reduction program. The text defines three income brackets for the beneficiaries.

The contracts and registrations of the houses of the initiative are preferably made in the name of the woman.

In the event that she is the head of the family, the formalities can be signed regardless of the husband’s consent.

My House, My Life was established in 2009 under the second Lula government and was replaced by the Green and Yellow Houses in the government of former President Jair Bolsonaro (2019–2022) with different criteria.

At least 281,472 Brazilians are currently homeless in the South American giant, a number that represents a 38 percent increase compared to 2019, the period before the Covid-19 pandemic.
