Margarita Portillo must give Andres Garcias son an inheritance warns

Margarita Portillo must give Andrés García’s son an inheritance, warns Roberto Palazuelos

Roberto Palazuelos sent a warning to daisy portillo, Well, he assured thatAndrés García’s legacy was not distributed to the actor’s eldest son, Andrés García Jr. Although the businessman and lawyer initially assured that he would stay away from the wealth distribution, he has now hinted so will try to help the family of the protagonist of “Pedro Navaja” in the event that the provisions of the will are not respected.

This was announced last June will of the actor who passed away on April 4, 2023. In the document, the actor noted that everything was fine It would be divided proportionally between four people: his widow Daisy Portillo and his stepson Andres Lopez Portillo, as well as his sister Mary Rose and his firstborn Andres Jr who was the only biological child he included, without Leonardo and Andrea García, from which he has distanced himself in recent years.

Roberto Palazuelos gives Margarita Portillo an ultimatum

Even if at first Roberto Palazuelos had said that wouldn’t interfere in the themes of the legacy of the protagonist of telenovelas, Now he has given García’s widow an ultimatum and his sister, who, in his opinion, did not give him what corresponds to the son of the first actor. However, he did not agree with the way the assets were distributed and assured this could file a request for review of the documentHe wants to give Margarita and María Rosa a chance to give their share to Andresito.

“They’re both very silly, both Margarita and she (Rosa María García) because I I can give you the opportunitycall Andresito. Give him his share. If they don’t want to give you land Settle with him and pay him on credit so you can keep it all“Because if not, everything will collapse,” said the businessman and actor in an interview for the show “Al Rojo Vivo”, who also warned against it Portillo has until next month Butwill start a lawsuit.

Lawyer gives Margarita Portillo until August to distribute inheritance IG @robertopalazuelosbadeaux

“If we don’t have results in Augustlet’s go to them There will be a lawsuit And if I place them well, I’ll have them like that for five or six years. It is the last will of Andrés García” stressed the artist, who is also a lawyer and who disagreed on how the first actor’s fortune was distributed, as he confirms Daisy Portillo has manipulated the soap opera and movie heartthrob to give him everything.

Meanwhile, he stressed that he does not seek any economic benefitbut since he protested that he didn’t need it, he pointed it out he just wants to help Andrés and Leonardo García, with whom she has been friends since she was young. “I have properties that are on a different level. The highest-end of my hotels is worth $45 million.” Andrés’ fortunes don’t even reach a million, but I I grew up with Andresito and I grew up with Leonardo. gives me courage‘ highlighted the ‘Black Diamond’.

Palazuelos supports the children of Andrés García IG @robertopalazuelosbadeaux