1690225469 Physical activity a cure for many ailments Linfo du

Physical activity, a cure for many ailments – L’info du Nord Sainte-Agathe


Posted on July 24, 2023 by In Media

Is your natural response to pain, injury, or illness to stop your activities for fear of increasing your discomfort? And then you settled down and gradually lost your muscular and cardiovascular skills, your energy and your enthusiasm.

Physical activity a cure for many ailments Linfo du

Even some daily tasks may have become too demanding. You’ve become a hamster, moving in the opposite direction on your wheel, unable to turn it around… You now feel trapped in what I call “uncomfortable comfort”. Understanding the benefits of getting moving again and learning how to do so intelligently, taking into account your condition, could give you the boost you need.


These are inflammations, lesions or symptoms that affect the musculoskeletal system. The list of conditions is lengthy and includes lower back pain, neck pain, knee pain, tendinitis, bursitis, etc. Studies show that regular exercise in mobility, muscle strengthening, postural improvement, and movement biomechanics can help reduce and most importantly prevent pain. An improvement in lifestyle and the working environment also increases opportunities.


Osteoarthritis, which is mainly a dysfunction of the normal cartilage regeneration process, is associated with severe pain. To protect itself from these ailments, the body changes its biomechanics, reduces the stability of the joint, reduces its capacities… and so a whole vicious circle begins. It is therefore important to contain osteoarthritis as quickly as possible! To break this vicious circle, targeted, functional and personalized exercises to strengthen and stabilize the joint should be promoted in the short, medium and long term. It is normal to feel pain. However, in order to get the maximum benefit from the current exercise, you need to pay attention to the turning point, that is, the point where the pain increases and stop the exercise.


A training session or the practice of a physical activity brings with it a feeling of satisfaction and great well-being thanks to the increase in serotonin and endorphins. These promote relaxation and a good mood. As a result, exercise lowers stress and anxiety levels while improving sleep quality. Sport is not only an element of social integration, but also allows for the development of greater physical abilities, which often leads to greater self-confidence.


Whatever the disease: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, fibromyalgia, asthma, Alzheimer’s… physical activity reduces several risk factors, but it can also be part of treatment, reducing discomfort, increasing energy levels, improving skills and quality of life.

Physical activity cures many ailments, try it and you will see! not

Laurence was born with a passion for movement and has always found energy through physical activity and in nature. From gymnastics student to Canadian windsurf team athlete, she knew how to surround herself with the right people and set her priorities to stay motivated despite the many challenges. Laurence received her University degree in Kinesiology followed by several additional certifications including Running, Perinatal Training, Muscular and Postural Rehabilitation, Motivational Interviewing, Primitive Reflex Integration and in Oncology.

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