Israel, protests after green light for judiciary reform | Protesters block highway

Protests in Israel where anti-government protesters blocked the Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv. The protesters took to the streets after the Knesset, Israel’s unicameral parliament, approved the crucial point of controversial judicial reform, the so-called “adequacy clause”. The members of the opposition shouted “shame”, left the hall indignant and boycotted the vote. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, along with his nationalist and religious right-wing allies, have pushed ahead with the reform despite months of massive protests.

Netanyahu: “A new law is not the end of democracy” “The passed law is by no means the end of democracy, but the realization of the will of the voters and thus the essence of democracy.” This was explained by Netanyahu, who “in the next few days opened a dialogue with the opposition”.

“We have made a moderate adjustment to restore the balance of power,” the prime minister added, stressing that none of this constitutes “any justification” for the protests and “the country’s upheaval.” “By the end of November,” he continued, “it is possible to reach agreements with the opposition.”