1693885010 Possible street gang conflict He would have tried to kill

Possible street gang conflict: He would have tried to kill 6 people with a vehicle –

A 22-year-old young man is facing a barrage of charges after he allegedly tried to kill six people by hitting them with a vehicle in Montreal on Sunday evening as part of a possible street gang conflict.

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Aubens Bien-Aimé appeared before Judge Maria Albanese via videoconference at the Montreal courthouse on Monday afternoon.

The man in the pale blue long-sleeved sweater did not seem at all shaken by the turn of events, even though he now faces a total of 24 charges, including six for attempted murder.

Several people were injured in an attack on Sunday, September 3, 2023, at approximately 8:20 p.m. in a park on the corner of P.-M.-Favier and de Dijon streets in Montreal North.

Aubens Bien-Aimé, 22, allegedly got behind the wheel and attempted to kill six people in Montreal North on Sunday evening during a conflict that may be related to street gangs. Photo from Aubens Bien-Aimé’s Facebook account

According to the indictment, Bien-Aimé essentially drove dangerously, committed grievous bodily harm and failed to provide assistance to the victims.

According to Montreal police, the affair occurred when a fight broke out between several people in a park at the intersection of Avenue P.-M.-Favier and Rue Renoir in northern Montreal around 8:20 p.m. on Sunday.

Several people were injured in an attack on Sunday, September 3, 2023, at approximately 8:20 p.m. in a park on the corner of P.-M.-Favier and de Dijon streets in Montreal North.

Pascal Girard/AGENCE QMI

In this context, Bien-Aimé is said to have deliberately fallen into a group of people, injuring six people between the ages of 20 and 27.

Street gangs

According to our information, the event was related to street gangs. The exact cause that led to these violent actions remains to be determined.

According to Urgences-santé, all the trapped people were transported to hospital by paramedics, four of whom suffered serious injuries. Your life would not be in danger.

Some victims may have lasting effects, again based on our information, as they were hit in the lower body.

The alleged perpetrator was arrested at the scene of the tragedy and then taken to a detention center. The Crown opposed his release during his court appearance.

The defendant, who has no previous convictions and was not known to police, returns to court on Tuesday.