1694386352 Alfonso Signorini Marriage to Paolo Galimberti We will see I

Alfonso Signorini: Marriage to Paolo Galimberti? We will see. I apologize for the vulgarity of the last GF

Alfonso Signorini, guest of Verissimo, spoke about the new edition of Big Brother. The conductor also opened up about his private life: “After a period of crisis, Paolo Galimberti and I are happy together again.”

Alfonso Signorini Marriage to Paolo Galimberti We will see I

Alfonso Signorini told the news of Big Brother in the episode of Verissimo, broadcast on Sunday, September 10th. The conductor took the opportunity to apologize vulgarity was broadcast on the last edition of the reality show. Additionally, he spoke about his personal life and revealed that he is dating again Paolo Galimberti. But as for the reality show, which begins on Monday, September 11, the conductor said:

It will only be Big Brother, no longer Big Brother VIP. Let’s go back to the origins. Not just in the name, but also in the format. Thanks also to the editor’s invaluable suggestions, we wanted to bring about a return to normality. The strength of the program is the ordinary people who come back with great success and have beautiful stories to tell. You have a great desire to talk and listen. Each of them comes from a different reality. They are all people working who have no desire for a television career, apart from one couple who want to take the opportunity to understand if television can be a stepping stone, but everyone else says that’s where they’re going after Big Brother will return to their usual activities. These are not people who live with a smartphone in their hand, they don’t have time for social media because they have to work. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Alfonso Signorini apologizes for his girlfriend Vip’s vulgarity

Silvia Toffanin noted the many criticisms that marred the last edition of Big Brother in the Vip version. Alfonso Signorini didn’t hide behind a finger. On the contrary, he apologized for the broadcast:

The criticism was justified. We have to be honest and admit that we got the lineup wrong last year. Unfortunately, we are not perfect, each of us has taken on our responsibilities. I also “fell in love” with people who then deeply disappointed me during the program. I must confess that I have felt this discomfort during my live broadcasts. Just remember, last year I came on live to tell these competitors, “You guys are so disgusting that when I look at you, I’ll change the channel.” Imagine an anchor saying something like that , is a scandal, but that’s what I thought too. When, alongside me, who was often accused of being the teacher with the finger wagging, the company also publicly displayed its helplessness, I not only felt refreshed, but also breathed a sigh of relief.

And he clarified: “It was really necessary to back down. The criticism was more than justified because there was too much vulgarity, not only in expression but also in attitudes. There was no fault of an angry rivalry, of aggression and all that.” Only of those who put it on the screens, but also of us who promoted it. I was able to apologize during the live broadcast, and I still do. It was necessary to distance ourselves from everything that was reflected in this need for normality that I spoke about before.

Signorini on Barbara d’Urso’s departure from Mediaset: “There are no Cologno lights at Ballando”

Alfonso Signorini and Paolo Galimberti are back together

Alfonso Signorini then spoke about his private life. The conductor announced that he was back together with Paolo Galimberti, his historical partner with whom he announced his separation in September 2022:

There was an important return in my life. The paparazzi caught me in Cortina with Paolo, my long-time partner. We had a time of crisis, but now we are happy together again. I have to say that I’m very happy and who knows, maybe… let’s see what can happen.

Silvia Toffanin noticed the reference to marriage and asked: “Do you want to get married?” The conductor replied to Sibyllina: “I’m not saying anything. We have been together for twenty years,” but assured that both Silvia Toffanin and Cesara Buonamici would be invited.