1694544388 Wolfgang Grupp The world has gone mad

Wolfgang Grupp: “The world has gone mad”

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    Trigema boss Wolfgang Grupp is skeptical about the evolution of modern society. He speaks of a first-name culture in which “the decent person is often the stupid one.”

    Burladingen – Wolfgang Grupp achieved a certain level of fame as an ambassador and representative of the company Trigema. Like almost no one else, he publicly defends Germany as a business location and polarizes people with provocative statements. Although he himself trusts conservative values, he often does not understand the evolution of modern society. On RTL’s Biz & Beyond podcast, he wishes the good old days were back.

    “The world has gone crazy,” Grupp says in the podcast. “And that depends on us as human beings.” Decency no longer counts. “The decent person is often the stupid one. And the indecent is exaggerated.” This has to change again – with society focusing on previous values. “Everyone is addressed by their first name. This is not our world in Germany. I have respect for the other person and I respect the person. And I dress accordingly and behave accordingly.”

    Wolfgang Grupp: “I’m doing what was normal 30 years ago”

    In more than 50 years as managing director of Trigema, Grupp has expanded the company to become the largest manufacturer of sports and leisure clothing. His own popularity has certainly contributed to his brand’s success. “Having a brand as a company is important,” said the 81-year-old. “Because if you have a well-known brand, doing business is much easier than if you are anonymous.”

    Wolfgang Grupp formerlySee photo series

    Grupp is proud that his company is the largest manufacturer in the sector. At the same time, he also emphasizes that if you are last in your industry, you will automatically be the biggest. “The fact that it now has a certain level of recognition shows how crazy the world has become,” said the businessman. “Because I don’t do anything special. I do what was normal 30 years ago and what everyone did.” With his entrepreneurial activities and his focus on traditional values, he stands out today. The world has become “indecent” – which can also be seen in “the way we treat others”.