1694793890 After several attacks the British government will ban the American

After several attacks, the British government will ban the American Bully XL dog breed

Two copies of American Bully XL.Two copies of American Bully XL.Georgiy Datsenko (iStockphoto / Getty)

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak, announced this Friday that his government would make the ownership of dogs of the American BullyXL breed illegal, after a series of attacks against people revived the debate about the control that can be achieved. exercise on certain animal species that exhibit a certain “behavior pattern”.

“The American Bully XL dog poses a danger to our community, particularly children,” Sunak said, arguing that it was not just “a handful of poorly trained dogs” and that “urgent” action needed to be taken. “I would like to reassure citizens that we will take all necessary measures to ensure their safety,” Sunak added.

The government’s first task is to “define” exactly which type of dog it wants to ban – it does not appear as a breed on any official list – which Sunak wants to complete “quickly”. The Prime Minister pointed this out in his message published on his account on the social network

Both Sunak and Home Secretary Suella Braverman have identified the dogs that attacked the victim as American Bully XL. British police arrested a 60-year-old owner this week after his dog attacked an 11-year-old girl in Birmingham. Two men who came to the minor’s aid were also injured. These animal species can weigh more than 60 kilos.

Once experts agree on the definition of this breed of dog, the government will propose to ban it by amending the current Dangerous Dogs Act, the Prime Minister said. If the petition is successful, it will be added to a blacklist that currently only includes four other breeds, the Argentine Dogo, Japanese Tosa, Pit Bull Terrier and Brazilian Fila.

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