Horoscope Predictions for September 18th to 24th 2023 NSC Total

Horoscope: Predictions for September 18th to 24th, 2023 NSC Total

In the NPC horoscope from September 18th to 24th, there is a tendency towards difficulties in organization and clarity, as well as towards misunderstandings and confusion. This is because the Sun in Virgo continues to oppose Neptune. On the 23rd, the Astro King will enter the sign of Libra, maintaining the opposition to Neptune.

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Mercury will move in direct opposition to Saturn. This suggests an important time to organize your thoughts, which can help alleviate the confusing energies of the sun.

Venus in Leo continues to square Jupiter and will form a square with Uranus this week, suggesting the possibility of sudden and unforeseen separations that can create great tension.

Mars forms a good aspect with Venus, it relieves tension in relationships and helps you have more courage and will to achieve what you do well. Remember that each person will feel these energies according to the way they interact with each individual’s astral map.

Check the prediction for each character

Arians will be more able to put themselves in other people’s shoes. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

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If you are a Taurus, you can fall in love with someone or something more easily. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

Unexpected situations may arise that shake Gemini’s feelings. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

For cancer patients, unforeseen events can occur that lead to separation or hasty decisions. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

Leos look for activities that take them out of their routine and stimulate their curiosity. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

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Virgos will be able to break free from something or a harmful behavior pattern. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

For those who are Libra, there is a possibility of encountering inner ghosts and fears. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

There may be some separation for the Scorpio native. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

Career and future will receive more attention from Sagittarius. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

Capricorn natives need to be careful with the tendency to have too much expectations about something. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

Dear Aquarians, be careful: do not get carried away by illusions and do not run away from discomfort. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

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The Pisces native will have difficulty seeing events clearly. (Photo: Allexxandar/Freepik)

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It’s time to devote yourself to finding balance in relationships, especially affective ones. You will be better able to put yourself in another person’s shoes and understand how they feel and what they expect from you. This will make you more aware of what you want from the relationship. However, despite the good energy, you will tend to have high expectations and resort to escape mechanisms to avoid facing reality. If you see yourself in this state, try to understand that you, like others, have your own fears and shortcomings.


You will deal intensively with everyday matters. In addition, your sensitivity to this sector will be significantly increased. Due to excessive activity or lack of organization, allergic reactions or discomfort may occur. Therefore, pay attention to these problems. You will enter a very important phase in your relationship with yourself and in the development of selflove. You will find it easier to fall in love with someone or something. However, be careful with impulses as they can lead to impulsive spending and selfish attitudes.


After a turbulent time, you have the opportunity to find more balance and harmony in your family environment and in your relationships in general. You will be more capable and willing to understand others and create a harmonious atmosphere. Nevertheless, unexpected situations can arise that shake emotions. Therefore, try to have maturity and altruism to deal with all this. Finally, you will experience a phase of great connection with your essence. However, be careful of your ego’s traps, as these may lead you to play the victim or take advantage of events without much clarity.

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You have the opportunity to harmonize your relationships with siblings, relatives and people close to you. This way there will be more affection, understanding and balance in these relationships. The time will be favorable to communicate more tolerantly, study, read and talk about topics that have an affinity. However, unforeseen events can occur that can lead to tensions, separations or hasty decisions. You will become more engaged with your memories and family relationships. There is a tendency for situations to arise in which lies and illusions are revived. Despite the inconvenience, it will be necessary to clarify all this.


You will have a busy time. You will look for activities that take you out of your routine and stimulate your curiosity. However, you may find yourself overdoing the number of commitments, not being able to fulfill them, or becoming too excited. In this case, avoid starting a new course of study without having completed your planned course of study. You will think more deeply about your selfimage and how you deal with situations. Additionally, you can use this week’s energy to make some necessary changes in your actions and let go of behaviors that are not good for you.


It will be very important to organize your financial life, be aware of how you manage your resources and have more control over your spending. You will have a tendency towards productivity and dedication to achieve the material goals that create security. However, it may happen that you make mistakes and get confused with the invoices. In addition, there is a possibility that someone will deceive you. Therefore, pay attention to these problems. The closure phase continues in the affective area. You can finally break free from something or a harmful behavior pattern.


When the Sun enters Libra, you can enjoy a lighter period in which you have more energy. However, there is still a chance that you will encounter inner ghosts and fears, especially when you need to make a decision or start something. Therefore, try to be careful before starting a project and explore your true motives within yourself. Finally, there is also the risk of deluding yourself and becoming frustrated. Additionally, pay attention to what lives in your subconscious. This way you can deal with all this realistically and maturely, without getting carried away by fears and illusions.

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It will be a favorable time for harmonizing relationships, especially with colleagues and your loved ones. You will be able to understand and reflect better. However, unforeseen events can occur that cause a certain amount of tension. In addition, disruptions may occur. Even if it seems bad, this separation will be beneficial for your development. You will feel the need to pull away, which means you may be a little confused. Therefore, to have more clarity, try to look within and leave the outside noise aside.


You will see a period of great movement in various sectors. However, your career and your future will receive more attention from you. There is a chance of greater recognition of your dedication and commitment. Nevertheless, errors, confusion and frustration can occur, disrupting the optimistic scenario. Therefore, avoid concluding contracts, negotiating or making important decisions. In order for everything to function optimally and to harness this energy of commitment, also try to maintain organization and discipline.


You will experience a time full of energy where you can dedicate yourself to what you want to achieve. You will find it easier to lead and affirm what you want and who you are. In addition, you can occupy a prominent position. However, control your temper as the competitive spirit will also be present which could hinder your winning and recognition. Instead of investing your energy in unnecessary arguments, use it to fight for your dreams. Also be wary of the tendency to create too many expectations about something. Finally, you might get frustrated.


Despite facing your fears, you will have more courage and determination to pursue your dreams, grow, expand, and become a better person. All this enthusiasm can help you deal with challenges and find strategies to give new meaning to your fears. However, do not be carried away by illusions and do not run away from discomfort. Ultimately, these attitudes will only delay necessary changes and create more suffering. In the emotional area, some unforeseen events could change the course of things. Although they create tension, these situations are necessary to align you with what is best for you.


Over the course of this week, you will tend to have difficulty finding balance and harmony in the emotional realm. This is because illusions, disagreements and frustrations will continue to arise. In addition, you will have difficulty seeing events clearly, which can significantly harm your romantic relationship. Watch your future actions as they may be motivated by fears and ghosts from the past. Also try to connect to the rational side and analyze life scenarios. This way you can harmonize all of these energies.

*By Thais Mariano

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