Biden arrives in NYC for the UN gathering after

Biden arrives in NYC for the UN gathering – after Mayor Eric Adams and Hillary Clinton sharply criticized him over the refugee crisis overwhelming the Big Apple

Biden arrives in NYC for the UN gathering – after Mayor Eric Adams and Hillary Clinton sharply criticized him over the refugee crisis overwhelming the Big Apple

  • The president arrived in the Big Apple on Air Force One on Sunday evening
  • He will address world leaders at the U.N. gathering in New York early next week
  • Biden has faced intense criticism over his handling of the city’s refugee crisis

Joe Biden has arrived in New York City for the UN Assembly session amid a growing cacophony of criticism over his handling of the refugee crisis in the Big Apple.

The president traveled from the White House to New York on Air Force One on Sunday evening, causing a major traffic jam as his motorcade made its way from JFK to downtown.

He will address world leaders at the summit early next week, with climate change, poverty and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine high on the agenda.

The city’s transport ministry has issued a traffic gridlock warning with widespread road closures from Monday to Friday due to the conference, which will be attended by Ukrainian Vladimir Zelensky.

But it’s not just the president’s motorcade causing chaos on New York’s highways as the city struggles to cope with an overwhelming number of asylum seekers, with many forced to sleep on the streets while they wait to be processed.

Joe Biden has arrived at the UN assembly in New York City amid a growing cacophony of criticism over his handling of the refugee crisis in the Big Apple

Joe Biden has arrived at the UN assembly in New York City amid a growing cacophony of criticism over his handling of the refugee crisis in the Big Apple

New York City is struggling to cope with the overwhelming number of migrants arriving each month, with many forced to sleep on the streets while they wait to be processed

New York City is struggling to cope with the overwhelming number of migrants arriving each month, with many forced to sleep on the streets while they wait to be processed

As 10,000 refugees continue to pour into the city every month, Mayor Eric Adams (pictured) warned that the problem now risks

As 10,000 refugees continue to pour into the city every month, Mayor Eric Adams (pictured) warned that the problem now risks “destroying” New York City.

Biden may want to avoid his counterparts at the town hall next week as they continue to criticize him at every opportunity over his handling of the crisis.

As 10,000 refugees pour into New York every month, Mayor Eric Adams warned that the problem now threatens to “destroy” the city.

He blamed the crisis on a lack of federal support, a “broken” nationwide immigration system and the fact that Republicans were busing refugees from their own states into the city.

Meanwhile, Biden’s administration has handed the humanitarian issue back to local officials like a hot potato, accusing them of having “no exit strategy” for processing thousands of people.

Former New York Senator Hillary Clinton also weighed in on the issue, calling on Biden to do more to help the beleaguered Big Apple.

Two sources close to Clinton told NBC New York that they agreed with Adams’ assessment of the problem – that a lack of help from the White House was to blame.