The name Pavel Prigozhin, son of former militia leader Wagner, has been circulating within the paramilitary group for several weeks. He is expected to succeed his father, who died in a plane crash in Russia on August 23, 2023.
Yevgeny Prigoyine, who died in a plane crash in Russia on August 23, has always been discreet about his son’s existence. But according to the website of the French Ministry of Economy, Pavel Prigoyine is “the son of Yevgeny Prigoyine, an influential businessman carrying out activities in Russia (…)”.
Associated with his mother’s companies
According to the same source, Pavel Prigozhin is the son of the former “Putin’s chef” and Lyubov Kryazheva. He is a Russian citizen and has two sisters, Polina Prigojine, born in 1992, and Veronika Prigojine. He is said to have served particularly in Syria and the Donbass region.
According to the Ministry of Economy: “Pavel Prigozhin is associated with several companies that previously belonged to his mother. In addition, Pavel Prigozhin is associated with the company JSC Businessprof, which owns the Sinop Business Center in Saint Petersburg.” as well as: “It is therefore associated with influential businessmen and women in economic sectors that are a significant source of income for the government of the Russian Federation represent federation.”
Will he swear allegiance to the Russian regime?
In addition, Pavel Prigozhin would have publicly confirmed “that he took part in military operations against Ukraine by serving in a Wagner Group unit in the Donbass region.”
According to Tf1Info, Prigozhin’s son posted a video last December showing him in front of a hotel that served as the Wagner Group’s headquarters in the town of Kadiivka, Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine. The video would have allowed the Ukrainian army to locate the site and bomb it, leaving 18 dead and 50 injured.
But if the 27-year-old becomes leader of the bloodthirsty Wagner militia, will he then swear loyalty to Vladimir Putin and the Russian regime? The question arises in light of the fact that the Kremlin president is accused by several Western leaders of initiating the plane crash in which his father Yevgeny Prigoyine was involved. The latter was labeled a traitor by the regime after his failed uprising.