War in Ukraine Who is behind the Kostiantynivka market shooting

War in Ukraine: Who is behind the Kostiantynivka market shooting? Franceinfo

Published on September 22, 2023 8:58 p.m. Updated on September 22, 2023 9:05 p.m

Video length: 2 min

War in Ukraine: Who is behind the Kostiantynivka market shooting?

France 2

Freelance Russian journalist beaten up in Chechnya.svg

Article written by France 2 – F. Ziehzeau, T. Donzel, K. Sullivan Den Bergh, A. Ponsinet, M. Burgot

France TV

On September 6, a rocket exploded in the Kostiantynivka market in Ukraine. If the country blames the Russians, our colleagues at The New York Times have examined other hypotheses.

The roar of a rocket, followed by a devastating explosion. When a strike hit the Ukrainian town of Kostiantynivka on September 6, rescuers immediately blamed the Russian army. A few minutes later the Ukrainian president speaks. “Sixteen people have just been killed in an attack by Russian terrorists,” assured Volodymyr Zelensky. However, this theory has now been refuted by the New York Times.

The hypothesis of a lost or erroneous shot

In an investigation, the American daily decoded the images, noted clues and analyzed the rocket fragments. On the video, he noted the position of the projectile in the reflection of the car’s hood, then the eyes of passers-by were directed in the same direction. The experts’ conclusion: The rocket most likely came from an area controlled by the Ukrainian army. The shooting occurred in the city at 2:04 p.m. It could have launched at 2 p.m. from a Ukrainian battery 10 miles away.

On site, traces of burnt vegetation indicate a recent shooting. These traces had not been present a few hours earlier in the satellite images viewed by the daily newspaper. Finally, the collected rocket fragments also cause trouble. The New York Times puts forward the hypothesis of a lost or erroneous shot. An adviser to Volodymyr Zelensky announced an investigation.

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