Disorder on the Grande Allee Two people arrested – Le

“Disorder” on the Grande Allée: Two people arrested – Le Soleil

The intervention began when a 21-year-old woman attacked another woman around 3:15 a.m. in front of SPVQ patrol officers who were monitoring the exit from the bars.

“Despite the presence of a crowd, two police officers decided to intervene to put an end to the crime and prevent anyone from suffering serious harm,” explains SPVQ spokesman David Poitras.

When she was arrested, the 21-year-old offered strong resistance and the crowd began to surround the police, he continues.

Individuals then hindered the police’s work “by shouting insults.” One man even tried to grab the stun gun that was in a police officer’s holster.

Mastered with cayenne pepper

Given the unrest, the patrol officers called for reinforcements to ward off the crowd.

“Despite the police presence and clear stay-away instructions, certain people continued to obstruct the work of the police, including by obstructing the suspect’s escort to the patrol car,” said Mr. Poitras.

A 24-year-old man who had allegedly interfered in police work had to be subdued with oleoresin capscium, commonly known as cayenne pepper, during the procedure.

He was arrested and jailed for assault on a peace officer.

Wanted victim

The first victim of the attack is currently being sought by the SPVQ. The police are said to have lost him in the crowd “after the disturbance”.

“Consequently, the suspect was released with a ticket for causing a disturbance,” says David Poitras.

Anyone who was able to identify the victim is asked to contact Quebec police.

“Let the police work”

This is not the first mass movement against the police in front of bars. “It happens that there are people who surround the police and are hostile towards the police,” complains Mr. Poitras.

But the most harmful behavior, according to the spokesman, is obstructing the work of police officers. “What we are telling citizens is to let the police work,” he said.

“When they arrest a person, it is because they have a reason to do so,” concludes Mr. Poitras.