Frederic Beauchemin expelled from Liberal caucus –

Frédéric Beauchemin expelled from Liberal caucus –

The interim leader of the Liberal Party, Marc Tanguay, announced on

“Following recent events, I have asked MP Marguerite-Bourgeoys to withdraw from the Liberal group while the investigation processes are completed,” he wrote.

The MP Frédéric Beauchemin replied to X:

I take note of the interim chief’s decision. I have no doubt that I will quickly reunite with my group colleagues at the end of the process, which has already begun and in which I am fully cooperating.

And added: I remain a proud Liberal member and will continue to fulfill my role as an MP and meet activists to help revitalize the Quebec Liberal Party.

The boss’s decision comes 48 hours after a bullying complaint was filed against the deputy and three members of his team. The complaint is filed by the chair of the Liberal Party Youth Commission (CJPLQ), Élyse Moisan, who allegedly had a turbulent meeting with the three employees in question.

In an interview with Radio-Canada on Friday morning, Mr. Beauchemin said he was completely stunned by the events. These were due to a dispute at the PLQ Youth Commission (CJPLQ), he said, ensuring that he knew nothing further.

Ms Moisan’s complaint was lodged with both the National Assembly and the PLQ. According to the deputy, mediation is underway.

Frédéric Beauchemin is the only elected official who expressed interest in the PLQ leadership in early September.