1696725026 The left has chosen new enemies Insegno and Giambruno Nicola

The left has chosen new enemies: Insegno and Giambruno Nicola Porro

I teach Giambruno Rai

Pino Teach And Andrea Giambruno They have been the protagonists on the front pages of our newspapers for some time now. One, an actor, excellent voice actor, successful television presenter and for years one of the best artists that our country can boast, the other, journalist, author, Studio Aperto actor and today presenter of “Diario del giorno” on Retequattro. What do these two seemingly different people have in common? The emotional relationship for Giambruno, the friendship for Insegno with the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

For months, the national news has been extremely meticulous in looking for the slightest mistake, gaffe or oversight from either side, only to then (almost) unanimously thunder against the two that don’t agree with the majority of red-colored information in entertainment. . In fact, in the world of Italian television, ruled by the Left since ancient times, it is almost unique that one of its most renowned professionals like Pino Insegno even allows himself to present a Meloni rally (in the last election campaign). or, unforgivable mistake, you confess that you have been friends with her for over twenty years. Not even a voter, man. mortal sin. So, let’s get the ball rolling. Not a day has passed since Rai hired the voice actor to host the program “Mercante in Fiera”, a revival of the game of the same name that Insegno himself had hosted about fifteen years ago to great public success, in which one does not read any Criticism for low ratings. For heaven’s sake, it is clear that the show will not start, also due to a time slot that coincides with the news broadcasts of Rai 1 and Canale 5, particularly uncomfortable. It is all the more the case that the interest of some newspapers in everything that Insegno does on television is becoming more and more pathological.

Instead on Giambruno The anger is clear since time immemorial. Last week we read everything because we defined the migration flows from Africa as “transhumance”. The slip-up in the magical world of the left is not taken into account. Otherwise you are a racist, fascist, xenophobe, etc. Giambruno obviously immediately apologized and took a swipe at his colleagues. “Finally, I would also like to thank my colleagues, of course the good ones, who explain to me every day and tell me what I should or should not say. To those who are so good, I just say one thing: I thank you sincerely, I am very grateful, very, very grateful.” Who knows whether the message has arrived. However, the climax was reached this summer when, in reference to the sexual violence in Palermo, on August 29, Giambruno uttered the well-known sentence in an episode of Diario del giorno: “If you go dancing, you have everything.” “To get drunk – there should be no misunderstanding and no stumbling – but if you avoid getting drunk and losing consciousness, you may also avoid encountering certain problems, because then the wolf will find it.” Open the Heaven. Weeks of controversy were then dampened by the intervention of the prime minister, who stressed that Giambruno had probably uttered the expression “hurriedly” and that it meant “something similar to what my mother said: eyes open and head on shoulders.” Anyone who did not have malicious intent would have understood these words perfectly. But as we know, it is difficult for someone to be objective when the sentence is said by someone who does not openly identify as left-wing.

LC, October 7, 2023

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