Astrophysicist Hubert Reeves dies aged 91 – Le Journal de

Astrophysicist Hubert Reeves dies aged 91 – Le Journal de Québec

Eminent Quebec astrophysicist and science popularizer Hubert Reeves died on Friday at the age of 91.

“My entire family joins me in pain to announce that our dear father set off for the stars today, Friday, October 13th,” his son Benoit Reeves said in a Facebook release.

Hubert Reeves was born in Montreal in 1932 and began his career as a researcher in astrophysics after graduating from the University of Montreal with a degree in physics.

He also taught at this Montreal facility in the early 1960s while also serving as a scientific advisor to NASA.

In the 1970s, he began to popularize science by talking not only about astronomy but also about the environment. His scientific background has also crossed the Atlantic, as Mr. Reeves has also taken part in broadcasts in France.

The scientist received numerous honors and awards throughout his career. He was thus appointed Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor in France, but also Grand Officer of the National Order of Quebec.

Hubert Reeves has also received numerous honorary doctorates from numerous universities in Quebec.

An asteroid was also named in his honor by the International Astronomical Union in 1999.