Israel is morally right but remains responsible

Israel is morally right, but remains responsible

No one can expect Israel to sit still after the brutal Hamas massacre. But did you clearly define your war aims?

The invasion of Israeli ground troops in the Gaza Strip is getting closer. On Friday, Benjamin Netanyahu’s emergency government once again sought Western diplomatic support for the coming war that will deeply shake the entire region. In Jerusalem, the German Foreign Minister, his Italian counterpart, Antonio Tajani, the President of the European Commission and the US Defense Minister joined together to express their solidarity with Israel following the bloodthirsty attack by Palestinian Hamas.

The terrorist group massacred at least 1,300 Jews on October 7 and kidnapped around 150 hostages to Gaza. In their bloodlust, the band of killers massacred civilians indiscriminately – at a music festival, in kibbutzim. Women, men, children and babies. It is even said that there were beheadings. This rupture of civilization cannot be justified by anything, not even Israel’s decades of occupation.

Israel is determined to prevent such a pogrom from happening again. That’s why your army is launching a massive attack against Hamas. It has been bombing terrorist group positions in the Gaza Strip for days. Hundreds of Palestinian civilians also died. The main responsibility for this lies with Hamas, which is hiding behind women, children and hostages in the densely populated coastal strip. She had to know that her monstrous attack would not go unpunished.

On Friday, Israeli forces called on the Palestinian population to leave northern Gaza within 24 hours. The appeal was addressed to 1.1 million people. The indignation was great. The UN warned that such an evacuation could not be carried out without devastating humanitarian consequences. PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas, who has not yet clearly distanced himself from the Hamas massacres, spoke of a second “Nakba”, as Palestinians call his expulsion after Israel’s defeat in the war of independence.