IDF ground offensive in Gaza delayed due to cloudy weather

IDF ground offensive in Gaza delayed due to cloudy weather – NYT – The Jerusalem Post

The IDF’s ground invasion of the Gaza Strip was scheduled to take place over the weekend but was delayed for several days due to, among other things, cloudy weather, The New York Times reported on Saturday, citing three senior IDF officers.

The cloudy conditions would have made it difficult for IDF pilots and drone operators to provide air cover for ground troops.

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The invasion will involve tens of thousands of soldiers who will take Gaza City and destroy Hamas leaders, the report said. The Israeli officers told NYT that the IDF’s rules of engagement had been relaxed to allow soldiers to conduct fewer checks before firing on suspected combatants.

Tens of thousands of armed Hamas fighters are believed to be hiding in the hundreds of kilometers of underground tunnels and bunkers beneath Gaza City and the rest of the northern Gaza Strip. Israeli military officials believe the terrorists will try to blow up some of the tunnels while IDF soldiers are above them.

A Hamas officer told NYT that Hamas also plans to ambush IDF soldiers from behind using hidden tunnel openings around the northern Gaza Strip. Smoke rises after Israeli attacks amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas in Gaza, October 13, 2023. (Credit: Portal/Mohammed Salem)

An IDF spokesman says the offensive will not be launched until civilians have withdrawn

Another possible reason for the reported delay in launching the ground invasion is efforts to protect civilians.

IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus told CNN on Saturday that the IDF “will not begin significant military operations until we determine that civilians have left the area.”

“It’s really important that the people of Gaza know that we have been very, very generous with our time. We have given generous warning, for more than 25 hours… I cannot emphasize enough to say that now is the time for the residents of Gaza to leave.”

Earlier Saturday, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit reported that Hamas attempted to prevent Palestinians from evacuating the northern Gaza Strip by setting up roadblocks on IDF-designated evacuation routes.

On Friday, the IDF issued instructions to residents of the northern Gaza Strip, instructing them to evacuate to the southern Gaza Strip due to planned military operations in Gaza City in the northern Gaza Strip. In addition, leaflets containing instructions were dropped over the Gaza Strip and a map was published showing which roads could be safely used for evacuation.

“Gaza City civilians, for your own safety and the safety of your families, evacuate south and distance yourself from Hamas terrorists who are using you as human shields. In the following days, the IDF will continue to operate intensively in Gaza City and take extensive measures.” “Efforts to avoid harm to civilians,” the IDF said.