1697555669 Galicia is testing the effectiveness of the double vaccination flu vaccine

Galicia is testing the effectiveness of the double-vaccination flu vaccine in people under 80 years old

Galicia is testing the effectiveness of the double vaccination flu vaccine

More than 450,000 patients between the ages of 65 and 79 in Galicia are being “invited” by the Xunta Ministry of Health to take part in a study on the effectiveness of the boosted flu vaccine in this age group, after its greatest benefits in recent years have been seen in people over 80 proven for years. The research, the first of its kind on this formula in Spain, is being carried out by the Xenetics, Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Group (GENVIP) of the Health Research Institute of Santiago (IDIS). The trial, known as Galflu, is based on the hypothesis that this “double” or “high challenge” vaccine offers even greater protection “before reaching the age of 80,” explains Federico Martinón, promoter and principal investigator. The doctor presented the plans this Tuesday morning at the IDIS laboratories in Santiago, together with the director of public health of the Xunta, Carmen Durán.

The entire population of Galicia between the ages of 65 and 79, who will be vaccinated against the flu as part of this annual campaign in large locations in each health area, will receive information about the clinical trial of this reinforced formulation and will be able to choose whether or not they want received it. vaccinate The invitation to participate is sent to patients via SMS, which they usually use to make an appointment to be vaccinated against flu and Covid-19. There is only one comparable test case known in Denmark within the European Union and no other of this size in Spain, said Martinón during the press conference.

There are different types of flu vaccines and this season’s campaign will use two different ones: a high-dose (Efluelda) and a standard vaccine (Influvac Tetra). The difference lies in the amount of antigens that can produce protection in the body. The boosted vaccine was found to be more effective in preventing and preventing complications of respiratory infections in people over 80 years of age, which is why it is routinely administered to this group. Now it’s also a matter of testing whether the serum with more antigens reduces cases, hospitalizations and associated complications in slightly younger people between 65 and 79 years of age who were previously given the standard serum. The study plans to vaccinate 50% of the participants with the strengthened formula and the other half of the patients with the usual formula.

The study does not include any further clinical follow-up examinations; rather, the required information from your medical history will be determined by the following May. According to the Galician Health Service (Sergas), only the research team will have access to this data. The Director General of Public Health took advantage of the appearance to announce the first dates of the campaign: about 30,000 Galicians over 80 years old took part on Monday this week in the first day of double vaccination against flu and Covid-19 in health centers. In addition, according to Durán, there are “between 24,000 and 26,000” people who have already received these vaccinations at previous appointments in residential homes and other social and health centers.

In total, around 58,500 patients in Galicia have been vaccinated against the flu and almost 55,000 against the coronavirus. The difference of 3,500, the health chief explained, was due to people who had recently contracted Covid and “have to wait three months to receive the dose”. Next week, from October 26th, the so-called “vaccination centers” will reopen for vaccinating people under 80.

On the other side of life, Durán has spoken about vaccination against the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), which so far affects about 7,000 babies in Galicia. It is a vaccination that Sergas has been offering to newborns since September 25 last year and which has achieved an acceptance rate of 95% among families. At the same time, a “recapture” campaign targeting babies born on or after April 1 is being carried out, and around 5,700 children, 80% of the total, have been cared for.

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