Cuban to Diaz Canel I am a failure I have

Cuban to Díaz Canel: I am a failure, I have to buy a pack of cookies for 500 pesos

CubitaNOW editorial team ~ Tuesday, October 24, 2023

“I’m a failure, I have to buy a pack of cookies for 500 pesos,” said the Cuban influencer Yordanka Battle Moré this Monday from Havana, referring to the statement made by President-elect Miguel Díaz-Canel on official television.

According to Díaz-Canel, Cubans who hate the so-called revolution are failures. “I think that in this hatred there is also a situation in which failure is not acknowledged, because there are some who leave – I won’t say in absolute numbers whether they are more or less – but who “You really can’t find the American dream.” They find themselves in a situation that is even more disadvantaged than in Cuba, at least in a situation of greater social insecurity than in Cuba.

“But the hatred they have aroused is so great that they cannot see that the country they went to did not welcome them as they expected or did not give them the chances that they expected, and then they turn against Cuba, against the revolution, etc. when it was the revolution that made them make that decision,” he added.

Several Cubans complained about the high prices and failure in the country. “In Cuba we are all failures because we do not have the courage to fight for our dreams. At least you have dignity because you don’t get used to the idea of ​​living like that, blessing,” a Cuban woman told Battle.

“And look at the price of the juice next door. It’s 64 years of inventing with an economy that doesn’t work and gambling on impoverishing a people every day. We who are here have not only failed, but have also embarked on a… ship aimlessly.

“He is a failure who has failed to evoke empathy among his people and who is ridiculed by everyone, including those above him,” they said of Díaz-Canel.

Some Cubans remembered that this package of cookies cost about 25 or 50 pesos and now it is even more expensive. “I live in Veguitas and they cost 800 pesos”; “You can find it there at that price, here in the East the package is $650,” and “in Manzanillo they are the same at $700 and $800.”


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