1699070324 Atlas Bolsonaro is the fourth most rejected political leader in

Atlas: Bolsonaro is the fourth most rejected political leader in Argentina Portal iG

Former President Jair Bolsonaro


Former President Jair Bolsonaro

The Atlas Intel Institute conducted a survey that showed that the Argentine population rejects political leaders from around the world. 16 renowned names in world politics were involved in the investigation. Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PLRJ) came in fourth place.

According to the survey, 54% of respondents have a negative image of Bolsonaro, 24% see him positively and 22% were unable to answer.

At the top of the list of most rejected leaders is Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, with a rejection rate of 74%. He is closely followed by Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, with a disapproval rating of 66%, and former US President Donald Trump, who received a disapproval rating of 56%.

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), the current President of Brazil, also appears in the survey and, with a negative image of 38%, ranks fifth on the list of leaders with the most disapproval among Argentines.

Lula is perceived positively by 38% of Argentine citizens and 24% did not know or preferred not to answer.

When it comes to leaders with a positive image, Barack Obama, former President of the United States, tops the list with an approval rating of 63% and a disapproval rating of just 15%.

In second place is former Uruguayan President Pepe Mujica with a positive image of 58% and a negative image of 14%.

Third place goes to the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, with a positive image of 49% and a negative image of 15%.

Lula has the fourthhighest approval rating in the poll, while Jair Bolsonaro is eighth in this list.

Election in Argentina

The Atlas survey also released data on Argentines’ voting intentions in the second round of presidential elections, which will take place on November 19. Javier Milei and Sérgio Massa appear to be technically equal.

According to the institute, Milei has 52% of voting intentions compared to Massa’s 48%. The percentage error is plus or minus two percentage points.