The conclusion of the electoral process was marked by a

The conclusion of the electoral process was marked by a week in Guatemala

After analyzing the entire Monday based on requests for an extension until January 15, 2024, the authorities of the body responsible for voting in the country tended to stick to the electoral calendar.

“Respecting the legal framework, the results were validated after the completion of the three phases established in the electoral process,” emphasized the TSE, referring to the winners of the 4,336 positions.

The organization believed that these would be immutable as of October 31 and would guarantee a transition of power and strengthen the nation’s democratic regime.

“Any doubt about who will take office on January 14 and 15, 2024 is over,” President-elect and standard-bearer of the Semilla movement Bernardo Arévalo said later at a press conference.

Of course, the current MP clarified, we know that from now until then there are false interests in the Ministry of State (MP) that will direct whatever actions they deem necessary.

The 48 cantons of Totonicapán, which called for protests in Guatemala on October 2, and the Alliance for Reform called on the electoral body to extend the process in order to preserve the defense of democracy.

After its completion, the TSE Citizens Register itself complied with the order to temporarily suspend the legal status of Semilla, which, according to experts, means that it can no longer carry out administrative procedures in this authority.

The representatives of the indigenous Maya peoples, who have been holding a sit-in in front of the parliament for more than a month, invited the population to join the new protest.

Thousands of indigenous peoples and various social organizations arrived the day before from four points in this capital to the Prosecutor’s Office building in the historic center.

“We don’t want to go back to the past,” said the mayor of the municipality of Santa Lucía Utatlán in Sololá department, Luz Emilia Ulario, on a platform in front of the investigative agency.

If the Attorney General (Consuelo Porras) is dignified, she should resign, the community leader added, openly referring to the protesters’ main demand.

They then went to the Constitutional Court and ended with a mass rally in the central Plaza de la Constitución in front of the National Palace of Culture (seat of government).

The deputy, considered an instrument of the corruption pact, ordered a raid on the TSE headquarters due to alleged anomalies in the elections, causing an unprecedented crisis and insecurity in Guatemala.
