3 Zodiac Signs Could Be Annoyed About Their Horoscopes and

3 Zodiac Signs Could Be Annoyed About Their Horoscopes and Saturn Direct on November 4, 2023

It’s November 4, 2023, and while Saturn is currently right back on track after its retrograde appearance, we are grateful for its positive presence as there are bigger fish to fry that day. We’re talking about the strangely disruptive influence of the Moon square Jupiter. It’s as if gigantic old Jupiter didn’t want to come second on Saturn’s big day.

What can await us on this day is the feeling that we are these great beings who can only bring great ideas to this tiny little planet, only to find that everyone around us finds us boring and unnecessary. Oh wow, who asks for such specificity now? Well, three zodiac signs crave it, even if unconsciously. What awaits these three zodiac signs in the Moon square Jupiter is challenging and ridiculous.

Wow, it’s going to be such a day, isn’t it? Should we just crawl back into bed and stay under the covers? Of course not. Just because there is no one to validate our genius doesn’t necessarily mean we aren’t geniuses. Today gives us self-confidence, and that is the key to Jupiter transits. However, it’s the “square” part that makes us want to be brilliant… all alone. Ah great. We will make it.

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes that are strangely annoying on November 4, 2023:

1. Aries

(March 21 – April 19)

While today isn’t exactly the worst day for you, Aries, what’s going to get on your nerves today is the fact that you can’t seem to get anyone to agree to your ideas during the Moon’s transit square Jupiter. . and your ideas are really, really good. You may have thought of something that you think will be of use to others. But as soon as you present your ideas, they will either reject them or come up with their own idea – one that you don’t find particularly brilliant.

On November 4, 2023, you will feel the presence of the Moon square Jupiter in the form of wanting to do good but not finding a way to accept your goodness. This could leave you feeling frustrated or even angry. The last thing you want to deal with today is anger, especially because you believe your intentions are so good. They can’t understand how someone who means so well can be so unhappy. Yet here you are, dangling the bait and no one is biting.

Before you get this wrong, realize that you are really doing your best and that while you may not feel appreciated for your brilliance and great thinking, the transit is simply getting in your way. What’s not working today? Aries could work double tomorrow. You have to stay on the right path and not let the day overwhelm you. This day requires you not to get emotionally involved. If possible, keep it “all in business.”

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2. Cancer

(June 21st – July 22nd)

What starts with getting excited about doing something that means a lot to you? You’ll find that today, November 4, 2023, accomplishing pretty much anything is harder than you think. You have Saturn direct, which makes anything seem possible. What’s stopping you from moving forward, however, is the Moon’s transit square Jupiter, which feels like a commotion: you know what you want, and yet nothing you do allows you to “go.” happen.

During the Moon square Jupiter, the main mood of the day will be frustration as you don’t feel like you’ve asked for too much. All you want is to achieve your goal, and your goal is not huge. However, it is important to you and you feel like your needs are being pushed to the background today by those you love and work with. You don’t understand why you’re being held up, and yet that’s exactly what’s happening.

It’s not that someone is physically in your way; What’s really bothering you today is that you don’t want to “offend” by continuing and that you’re inhibiting yourself. Someone makes you feel like you’re being too pushy, and when you try to be polite, you end up oppressed and frustrated. Moon square Jupiter brings great ideas and makes you sit in a room with them and do nothing.

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3. Fish

(February 19th – March 20th)

What’s standing in your way today is a deeply neurotic feeling of not knowing what to do next. On November 4, 2023, during the transit of the Moon square Jupiter, you will be very frustrated with yourself simply because you don’t know how to deal with something, and the strange thing is that you are the go-to person, when it comes to getting things done efficiently.

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There is someone in your life who wants your attention…it is most likely a family member. This person is reaching out to you, and whatever is making you so hesitant to reach out has you trapped. It’s like you’ve regressed and you can’t help but feel like this is just NOT FOR YOU. Your instincts are telling you to distance yourself from this person and cut ties, so listen to your gut.

However, that doesn’t make you feel good. You don’t know why you can’t move on or why you’ve suddenly become so shut down or… rude. As the Moon squares Jupiter, you’ll remember how kind-hearted you once were and you’ll wonder what happened to you. You don’t know what has changed within you, and perhaps the fact that Saturn is heading directly towards you this day reinforces the idea that if you don’t want to do something, don’t do it – no fuss – no comment.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.