Saudi Arabia Innovates with Artificial Oil Islands Sustainability and Technology

Saudi Arabia Innovates with Artificial Oil Islands: Sustainability and Technology Hand in Hand CPG Click Petroleo e Gas

Saudi Arabia innovates with artificial oil islands: Sustainability and technology go hand in handArtificial oil islands in Saudi Arabia (Image / Reproduction: CANVA)

At the heart of the global oil supply, Saudi Arabia, the world’s third largest oil producer, stands out not only for its impressive production figures, but also for its ability to innovate while protecting nature.

O Manifa oil fielda unique architectural work, is a living example of this duality in which the Oil exploration and environmental commitment go hand in hand.

Located on the east coast of Saudi ArabiaIn Manifa Bay, the oil field is a giant, stretching over 810 square kilometers in shallow water with a depth of only 15 meters.

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The region, once synonymous with marine biodiversity and fisheries, is now home to oil exploration, feeding three refineries that each process around 300,000 barrels of oil daily.

Underwater innovation: artificial islands and canals

Innovations come from building artificial islands and a canal system that promotes the exchange of seawater, thereby protecting marine life.

The creation of these channels also proved beneficial for the reproduction and nutrition of marine organisms, showing that it is possible to combine industrial development and sustainability.

Saudi Aramco, responsible for the project, opted for a less environmentally damaging solution and created 27 artificial islands and 13 bridges that allow the ocean currents to be maintained.

The company has invested in cuttingedge technology such as nuclear magnetic resonance devices to precisely explore reserves without harming the delicate marine ecosystem.

The first oil islands built in the middle of the sea (video / reproduction: construction time)

The partnership with Saudi Arabia University of Petroleum and Minerals is a testament to the commitment of Saudi Aramco with environmental protection, resulting in a 70 percent increase in seagrass beds and the prosperity of coral reefs.

Looking to the future, the Manifa oil field is preparing for a new phase of expansion with the aim of further increasing production capacity.

However, the challenge remains: how to continue to grow while protecting the environment? The answer from Saudi Arabia is clear: with innovation, technology and an unwavering commitment to sustainability.

O Manifa oil complex it is more than an architectural landmark or a symbol of commercial power; It is proof that people’s ability to innovate can and must be reconciled with the care and preservation of our planet.

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