1699853425 The West is toughening its tone against Netanyahu over the

The West is toughening its tone against Netanyahu over the bombing of civilians in Gaza

Because of the bombings of civilians in the war against Hamas, the West is toughening its tone towards Israel every day. The criticism is becoming increasingly open. And the pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is greater.

They all support this country’s right to defend itself and respond militarily to the October 7 massacre in which, at the latest estimate, 1,200 people died in Israel. But the successive images of death and destruction and the number of civilian casualties in Gaza – more than 11,000, according to Palestinian authorities – have prompted Western capitals from Paris to Washington to demand relief from Israeli bombing.

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What the heads of state and government of Europe and the USA recently quietly suggested to Netanyahu and his government is now being demanded publicly and over loudspeakers. Words like “ceasefire” appeared to be taboo in some Western capitals. They preferred to talk about “breaks” or “humanitarian breaks”. Now they are on the table.

“It is the only solution we have, the ceasefire, because it is impossible to declare that we want to fight terrorism by bombing innocent people,” said French President Emmanuel Macron in an interview with the BBC this Friday. Macron added: “In fact, civilians are being bombed today. In fact, these babies, these ladies, these elderly people are dying from bombings. There is no reason for it and no legitimacy. That’s why we call on Israel to stop doing this.”

Few went as far in criticism as Macron, whose comments Netanyahu described as a “serious mistake, both factually and morally.” But there are increasing voices in the European Union that, following the example of the French President, are emphasizing compliance with international law and sounding the alarm. However, attempts to translate this into a declaration of a humanitarian pause have not yet made progress, according to diplomatic sources. Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria are against it.

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The United States continues to oppose a ceasefire, arguing that it would only give Hamas breathing room. And at no point has he publicly condemned the way Israel is conducting its offensive or questioned that state’s violation of the laws of war. But he has also hardened his tone in recent days.

Blinken: “Too many Palestinians have died”

“Too many Palestinians have died, too many have suffered in the last few weeks,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in New Delhi. “We want to do everything we can to stop them from being harmed and make sure they get the most help possible.”

Blinken’s words reveal a subtle yet significant shift in Washington’s position in the conflict. This is due, among other things, to differences of opinion within the US government itself. And because of the dissatisfaction of part of the Democratic Party with the support for Netanyahu. This dissatisfaction with the American left could come at a price for Biden in the 2024 presidential election.

The shift in Western tone is significant because, after the October 7 massacre, Europe and the United States gave the impression that they were unconditionally allying with Israel. Although they insisted to Netanyahu from the first moment on the need to respect international law and limit the suffering of the civilian population, they were accused of double standards. There were doubts from the Arab world and the so-called Global South – and also from part of Western public opinion – that while Russia was condemned for the bombing of civilians in Ukraine, the same condemnations were not heard in the case of Israel and Hamas were . Tens of thousands of people gathered in demonstrations in support of Palestine on both sides of the Atlantic. The most recent include those this Saturday in London – huge, with more than 300,000 people – Brussels and Paris.

In a press conference this weekend, Netanyahu linked the “disagreements” that arise “from time to time” in his contacts with world leaders to the “minorities” pressuring them in their respective countries. He explained: “I tell you: don’t give in to the pressure. Your war is also your war. We have to win it for ourselves, but also for you,” he reports from Jerusalem. Antonio Pita.

“How do you find the courage to teach us lessons in the middle of war?” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant asked at the same press conference. The question was aimed at foreign leaders who criticize Israel. Gallant added: “I want to say to some European leaders who criticize us: for the State of Israel and the Jewish people, this is 2023, not 1943.” [en referencia al Holocausto], and we have the ability and duty to defend ourselves. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

Israel’s Western friends have not denied this country the right to defend itself. On the other hand. And they have pointed to Hamas as the main culprit, an organization considered terrorist in the US and EU.

“When Hamas attacked Israel, it took responsibility for exposing the Palestinians to terrible consequences,” Macron said this week during a humanitarian conference in Paris raising money for Gaza and the West Bank. “Today it is the civilians in Gaza who are suffering.”

Two weeks ago, the leaders of the Twenty-Seven called for the establishment of “humanitarian breaks” and corridors for the delivery of aid to the Gaza Strip. Only two member states – mainly Spain, but also Ireland, with some support from Belgium and Luxembourg, which played a much more discreet role – brought the need for a ceasefire to the table. This Sunday, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, stressed that the EU is “seriously concerned” about the catastrophic situation in Gaza. In a joint statement, the Twenty-Seven (whose foreign ministers will analyze the situation in the Middle East in Brussels this Monday) called for these “humanitarian pauses” to be taken immediately. “We call on Israel to exercise maximum restraint to ensure the protection of civilians,” they claim.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen with Netanyahu on October 13 in Tel Aviv. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen with Netanyahu on October 13 in Tel Aviv. DPA via Europa Press (DPA via Europa Press)

The EU’s influence is limited; that of the United States, not so much

President Biden defines himself as a “Zionist” after spending decades as a senator dealing with American foreign policy and relations with Israel. His relationship with Netanyahu dates back more than 30 years, when the Israeli prime minister served as a diplomat at his embassy in Washington. The premise of “whatever Israel needs” continues to be heard in daily White House press briefings.

However, this message was initially accompanied by a call to send humanitarian aid to Gaza. Then the precision emphasized by Biden himself that the conflict must be resolved with measures that include the two-state solution, the Israeli and the Palestinian. This was Washington’s official position for decades, but was discarded in practice when Israel signed peace agreements with Arab countries.

For two weeks now, the White House has introduced another constant: It is insisting on the need for humanitarian pauses to allow foreign passport holders, wounded people and possibly hostages held by Hamas after its invasion of Israel to leave the Gaza Strip. The American president believes that by clearly supporting Israel, he will have more influence over his ally and more opportunities to convince him not to violate international law in his air and ground offensive against Gaza.

But so far this subtle pressure has had little effect. Biden himself admitted on Thursday that the length of the pause in the Israeli bombings was far from what he had called for, namely more than three days to – perhaps – release the hostages held by Hamas. And he showed impatience with Netanyahu: getting his approval for humanitarian relief “is taking longer than I expected,” the US president admitted.

In any case, Washington continues to reject a complete ceasefire. He claims that this would only serve to give Hamas a break. At no time has he publicly condemned the way Israel is conducting its offensive or questioned its failure to comply with the laws of war.

Biden’s position is drawing the ire of Washington’s Arab allies. And divisions within the government itself, where senior officials specializing in the region criticize the “carte blanche” for Israel and warn of the rapid decline in American standing among populations in the Muslim world.

An open letter signed by more than a thousand officials from the U.S. Agency for International Development calls on the White House to call for an immediate ceasefire. “We are alarmed and disheartened by the numerous violations of international law,” said the letter, according to the Portal agency, which had access to it. More than 500 workers from Biden’s 2020 campaign wrote a similar text. In Congress, half of Democratic senators have signed a letter calling on the White House to balance its support for Israel with help for Gaza and efforts for lasting peace.

Discontent is also growing among the base of the Democratic Party. According to organizers, 300,000 people took part in the demonstration called last week in Washington. Two polls published by the Brookings Institution think tank suggest that support for Israel among voters in this demographic – particularly among the youngest – has declined rapidly over the past month after rising following the Hamas attacks. At the same time, although to a much lesser extent, support for the Palestinians is increasing.

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