The Farm Jenny Miranda is hospitalized with respiratory failure

The Farm | Jenny Miranda is hospitalized with respiratory failure: "would have died"


Photo: Disclosure/Record TV / Pipoca Moderna

Former pedestrian Jenny Miranda was rushed to hospital over the weekend after suffering respiratory failure. The former member of “A Fazenda 15” had an allergic reaction and difficulty breathing after eating shrimp. Fábio Gontijo, the influencer’s husband, was the one who saved her.

“It was a lot of stress, I went into shock,” Gontijo said on Instagram Stories. He used the post to refute the news that Jenny had been hospitalized because of arguments between the couple or because she had consumed too much alcohol.

What happened?

“Some serious, upsetting things have happened in the last 24 hours. The media has published some false things. What happened is that we arrived here in Guarujá.” [litoral de São Paulo], and Jenny threw me a surprise party. We found a group of haters on the beach. “A girl started attacking Jenny,” Gontijo began.

According to Jenny’s husband, she fell ill after returning to the place where they were staying. The two went to a local facility to relax a bit.

“We went to the hotel feeling rested and decided to go out in the evening. Jenny drank a little, contrary to what they say was alcohol. When she arrived at the hotel, she began to vomit and quickly lost some of her energy.” . Consciousness and ability to breathe,” he continued.

She would have been between life and death. “I resuscitated her for 90 minutes. She could no longer breathe, but thank God her heart remained okay. If I hadn’t been a doctor, she would have died. Until then, it was considered shrimp poisoning.”

Jenny is fine

After the scare and emergency care, Jenny is now doing well again. “Today I woke up calmer, I’m trying to cool down. Everything is OK. Jenny is great, she’s even better than me,” said Fábio Gontijo.

Shortly after her husband’s outburst, Jenny also appeared on Stories to reassure her followers.

“I’m fine, my neck is a bit bad. I was intubated by the ambulance and my throat hurt. I was released yesterday. There was nothing better than an alcoholic coma,” she said, also saying that she was suffering from a security guard after he was the victim of threats. “There are a lot of bad people. We’ll be sure. Don’t worry, there were no couple arguments at any time. Unfortunately, there are a lot of bad people,” he explained.

“I’m a little blue from the medication, my neck is bruised by the intubation belt, my stomach is very swollen. Fábio spent 90 minutes trying to resuscitate me if I hadn’t had a doctor at my house, a.” “A tragedy would have happened,” he added.