They set a date for Facebook to pay its users

They set a date for Facebook to pay its users after a lawsuit Cuban Directory

After the social network Facebook was awarded a class action lawsuit in California, millions of users will be financially compensated. In this sense, a judge approved the agreement for $725 million, which will become the budget with which payments will be sent to eligible people.

According to lead plaintiff attorney Lesley Weaver, “The settlement contains the largest number of claims ever filed in a class action lawsuit in the United States.”

This will allow Facebook users who have made a valid claim in the case to receive this additional money in January 2024.

That means direct payments will be sent to Facebook users 90 days after final approval. This was stated by Judge Vince Chhabria in the final decision of the case.

On the other hand, Angeion Group, the administrator of the class action lawsuit, said that people who filed a lawsuit could see their funds. This would happen as quickly as possible, subject to the claim being approved.

The truth is that Facebook has not yet filed an appeal, even though the agreement is worth $725 million. In other words, the social network’s leaders had until October 10 to take legal action, but they failed to do so.

Therefore, Facebook’s obligation to pay the entire budget should be understood in this context.

How do you know if you are eligible?

People interested in getting a refund from Facebook can go directly to the agreement page.

But in fact, Facebook was also sued for failing to pay required interest on the funds in the escrow account. This account was created specifically for the million dollar deal.

Therefore, applicants can also expect direct payments of around $30.00. About 17 million people are now expected to receive these payments. However, the deadline to file a claim is August 25, 2023.