EXCLUSIVE God led her to the happiest moment of her

EXCLUSIVE: ‘God led her to the happiest moment of her life,’ says mother of Taylor Swift fan who died at concert G1

The family of Ana Clara Benevides, who died during Taylor Swift’s first performance, is trying to understand what happened at the show

The reporter Renata Ceribelli met this Sunday morning in Rio de Janeiro with Ana Clara’s father, José Weiny Machado.

“It doesn’t understand it yet. It’s difficult for you because you come to pick up your daughter… And she’s dead. This is difficult, difficult, really difficult,” he tells Fantástico.

Ana Clara’s mother, Adriana Benevides, is in Mato Grosso and also spoke to our reporter online.

“My daughter is my angel. God took her, but he took her at the happiest moment of her life, that was all she wanted, that was it. “Mom, if I can’t go to this show, I’m going to die,” she told me,” account.

Seeing the singer Taylor Swift in person has been a dream for Ana Clara since she was a teenager. She agreed with her college friend Daniele Menin to go to the show together. She created a WhatsApp group called “Ana goes to Rio” and shared his journey step by step with his separated parents.

It was her first flight and she shared everything with her family.

1 of 8 In a group with her parents, Ana Clara shared details of the trip. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction In a group with her parents, Ana Clara shared details of the trip. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction

“The Rio Niterói Bridge is there, the Sugar Loaf is there, Christ the Redeemer is behind it,” pointed out the young woman from the apartment where she lived with her friend Ana Clara.

The father says he was afraid because of the violence in Rio de Janeiro. The mother was also afraid because her daughter didn’t know anyone in the city.

2 of 8 Ana Clara’s father spoke to Fantástico about his daughter’s death. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction Ana Clara’s father spoke to Fantástico about his daughter’s death. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction

“Then she said, ‘Mom, this is the show of my life,'” Adriana remembers.

In one of the message exchanges, Adriana said she told her daughter to take care of herself, eat and don’t forget to drink water. She tells how this conversation went.

“’Mom, I’m going to eat a lot of granola bars because I’m going to be there for a long time. I want to be first in line, I want to be close to her, mom.’ I said, “Go, my daughter. You can do it.”

3 of 8 Last message from Ana Clara to her parents. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction Last message from Ana Clara to her parents. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction

On the day of the show, at 9:43am. Ana Clara warns: “Guys, I’m going to the show.” The father replies: “Have fun. Have fun.”

That was the last contact with her.

At around 7 p.m., Ana Clara’s father received a call. He says a doctor talked about what happened and that his daughter died.

“Then I heard nothing more. I dropped my phone there, my wife came to talk to me. I walked down the street. I was stunned, I didn’t know what I was doing. “I tried not to believe it, as I’m still trying not to believe it,” he says.

Adriana, Ana Clara’s mother, says that the doctor said the treatment was quick and they tried to resuscitate her for more than 20 minutes.

4 out of 8 Ana Clara’s mother tells how she received the news of her daughter’s death. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction Ana Clara’s mother tells how she received the news of her daughter’s death. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction

Friend Daniele, who has been at Ana Clara’s side since her appearance, says the two arrived around 11 a.m. “We had a VIP package, you could get in a little earlier. It opened around 3pm so we queued for four hours. And then, after the stadium, until about 6:30 p.m.,” he remembers.

Outside, Ana Clara posted a video complaining about the heat.

“One o’clock in the afternoon, we’ve been here since 11 o’clock and we’re in trouble here. What to do? That’s it folks, there will be no glamor today. It’s over,” he said in the post.

5 out of 8 Ana Clara posted a video talking about the heat at the fair. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction Ana Clara posted a video talking about the heat on the show. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction

The day of Ana Clara’s death was one of the hottest days of the year in Rio de Janeiro, with temperatures reaching 40°C and a feeling of warmth approaching 60°C.

“Everyone was sweating. Then, before the show started, some people were already feeling uncomfortable. They didn’t faint, but they kept going. Others left staggering,” says Daniele.

She said the two took four bottles of water and drank them before entering Nilton Santos Stadium. Room temperature water was distributed inside where they were located.

“It was unbearable,” he reports.

Even singer Taylor Swift tried to help when fans started asking for water.

6 out of 8 The audience asked for water during singer Taylor Swift’s concert. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction The audience asked for water during singer Taylor Swift’s concert. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction

Last minutes with a friend

Daniele says that at one point she felt dizzy and her friend Ana Clara told them to eat a protein bar. “We ate, got a little wet and felt good. It was fine,” he says.

When the show started, Daniele said in the first song that the two started crying and hugging each other. In the second song, as the two were jumping for happiness, Ana Clara fell.

“She fell on people. Then I don’t know where I got the strength from, I put it over my leg and they pulled it to the other side of the fence. I jumped after her and we ran to the post,” he tells Fantastic.

7 out of 8 Daniele talks to her friend about the last few minutes. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction Daniele talks to her friend about the last few minutes. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction

Daniele says that as soon as she arrived at the infirmary, she heard the doctor say that it was code blue and that she had no pulse. “They came in with the stretcher, put her on the stretcher and put her in the ambulance.”

Daniele accompanied her friend to the hospital emergency room and says the doctor immediately called her and told her that the situation was serious and that she needed to contact her family. “Then I was desperate,” he remembers.

“When the doctor spoke to Ana’s father, I realized she wasn’t coming back,” says Daniele.

Ana Clara’s family says that in addition to grief, she is also dealing with other fears, such as waiting for her daughter’s body to be transported.

“The people at the show who put it together are not supporting us in bringing it home. I know these things don’t even go through the singers, the artists don’t even know about them. But we wanted her” to help us bring her home. Because unfortunately we pay for everything. And my daughter hasn’t arrived yet,” says Adriana.

The family said they had received an offer of psychological support from Time For Fun, the company responsible for the event.

Henrique says that today he just wants to know the reason for Ana Clara’s death. The death certificate initially states that “laboratory results” are awaited.

The father says he doesn’t know what caused Ana Clara’s cardiac arrest. The civil police said in a statement that the final report would be ready in 30 days.

📌 In a statement, the city of Rio lamented the death of the young woman and reported that the company contracted to carry out the shows, in this case Time For Fun, was responsible for the events at the stadium.

📌 Time For Fun also said in a statement that it has contacted Ana Clara’s family and continues to have an open contact channel. He also said that he was available to provide any assistance to the family.

8 out of 8 Time For Fun announced that there is still an open channel with Ana Clara’s family. Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction Time For Fun said that there remains an open channel with Ana Clara’s family. — Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction

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