The Yemeni rebel commando’s video is making the rounds on social media Houthis which took control of the cargo ship Galaxy Leader on Sunday, November 19th. The ship was in the waters of Red Seaflies the flag of the Bahamas, is owned by an English company and is managed by a Japanese company.
The Arab media initially reported the ship was Israeli, but it appears that the only connection is between the Galaxy Leader and Tel Aviv Abraham Ungar, one of the richest businessmen in the Jewish state, whose company Ray Car Carriers is linked to the ship’s owners. According to United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations, the British army agency responsible for warning ships of dangers in the Persian Gulf, the hijacking took place approximately 150 kilometers from the Yemeni port city Hodeidaclose to the Eritrea thing.
In the images shared by the official Houthi channels, a helicopter A soldier decorated with the Yemeni flag lands on the deck of the merchant ship. A ten men He quickly gets out of the vehicle and heads towards the control room. L’crew, completely disarmed, offers no resistance. The rebels are searching the various levels of the ship, probably to ensure there are no hidden people or security forces who could launch a counterattack. Eight arrive at the same time Motorboatswhich surround the Galaxy Leader and lead it towards the city of Hodeida, where it is today.
“All ships owned or doing business with the Israeli enemy will be legitimate goals” the Houthis said, emphasizing that the hijacking of boats in international waters will continue as long as the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) continues its land campaign in the Gaza Strip. “The Israelis only understand the language of violence,” a rebel spokesman added. “The detention of the Israeli ship is a concrete step that shows the seriousness of the Yemeni Armed Forces in carrying it out Battleshipregardless of the cost.”
The freighter’s Japanese operating company Nyk line, reported that the Galaxy Leader was unloaded at the time of the hijacking. In addition, the crew consists of Filipino, Ukrainian, Romanian and Mexican citizens. The captain and first officer are Bulgarians. The government of Sofia confirmed that authorities are pursuing the matter but that “no one has contacted us so far.”